/* cmacvs.c */ /* This file is part of the ARM-Crypto-Lib. Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file cmacvs.c * \author Daniel Otte * \date 2010-02-02 * \license GPLv3 or later * */ #include #include #include #include #include "blockcipher_descriptor.h" #include "bcal-basic.h" #include "bcal-cmac.h" #include "cmacvs.h" #include "string-extras.h" #include "cli.h" #ifdef DEBUG # undef DEBUG #endif #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG # include "config.h" # include #endif bcdesc_t* cmacvs_algo=NULL; bcdesc_t** cmacvs_algolist=NULL; void cmacvs_listalgos(void){ char option = 'a'; bcdesc_t* t; uint8_t i=0; cli_putstr("\r\nthe following algorithms are available:\r\n"); while(option<='z' && (t=(bcdesc_t*)(cmacvs_algolist[i]))){ cli_putc('\t'); cli_putc((t==cmacvs_algo)?'*':' '); cli_putc(option++); cli_putstr(":\t"); cli_putstr(t->name); cli_putstr("\r\n"); i++; } } void cmacvs_setalgo(char* param){ param = strstrip(param); if(param[1]=='\0'){ /* single letter specified */ uint8_t i,option = param[0]-'a'; if(!cmacvs_algolist){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: cmacvs_algolist not set!"); return; } for(i=0; i<=option; ++i){ if((cmacvs_algolist[i])==NULL){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: invalid selection!"); return; } } cmacvs_algo=(bcdesc_t*)(cmacvs_algolist[option]); } else { /* name specifyed */ bcdesc_t* t=NULL; uint8_t i=0; while((t=(bcdesc_t*)(cmacvs_algolist[i])) && strcasecmp(param, t->name)) ++i; if(t){ cmacvs_algo=t; }else{ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: could not find \""); cli_putstr(param); cli_putstr("\"!"); } } } typedef struct { uint16_t buffer_idx; uint16_t buffersize_B; uint32_t blocks; bcal_cmac_ctx_t ctx; uint8_t* buffer; uint8_t in_byte; } cmacvs_ctx_t; static cmacvs_ctx_t cmacvs_ctx; uint8_t buffer_add(char c){ uint8_t v,t; if(cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx==cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B){ bcal_cmac_nextBlock(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx), cmacvs_ctx.buffer); ++cmacvs_ctx.blocks; cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx=0; cmacvs_ctx.in_byte=0; cli_putc('.'); memset(cmacvs_ctx.buffer, 0, cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B); } if(c>='0' && c<='9'){ v=c-'0'; }else{ c &= (uint8_t)~('a' ^ 'A'); if(c>='A' && c<='F'){ v=c-'A'+10; }else{ return 1; } } t=cmacvs_ctx.buffer[cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx]; if(cmacvs_ctx.in_byte){ t |= v; cmacvs_ctx.buffer[cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx]=t; cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx++; cmacvs_ctx.in_byte = 0; }else{ t |= v<<4; cmacvs_ctx.buffer[cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx]=t; cmacvs_ctx.in_byte = 1; } return 0; } int32_t getValue(char* key){ uint32_t val=0; char instr[21]; char* str2; for(;;){ memset(instr, 0, 21); cli_getsn(instr, 20); str2 = strstrip(instr); if(!strncasecmp(str2, key, strlen(key))){ while(*str2 && *str2!='=') str2++; if(*str2=='='){ do{ str2++; }while(*str2 && !isdigit(*str2)); val=(uint32_t)strtoul(str2, NULL, 10); return val; } } else { if(!strncasecmp(str2, "EXIT", 4)){ cli_putstr("\r\n got exit ..."); return -1; } } } return -2; } uint8_t getKey(void* key_buffer, uint8_t klen_B){ char c; uint8_t v,i=0; memset(key_buffer, 0x00, klen_B); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while((c|('a'^'A'))!='k'); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while((c|('a'^'A'))!='e'); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while((c|('a'^'A'))!='y'); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while(c!='='); klen_B *= 2; while(klen_B){ v = 0x10; c = cli_getc_cecho(); if(c>='0' && c<='9'){ v = c-'0'; }else{ c |= 'A'^'a'; if(c>='a' && c<='f'){ v= c-'a'+10; } } if(v<0x10){ if((i&1)==0){ v<<=4; } ((uint8_t*)key_buffer)[i/2] |= v; ++i; --klen_B; } } return 0; } uint8_t getMac(void* mac_buffer, uint8_t mlen_B){ char c; uint8_t v,i=0; memset(mac_buffer, 0x00, mlen_B); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while((c|('a'^'A'))!='m'); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while((c|('a'^'A'))!='a'); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while((c|('a'^'A'))!='c'); do{ c = cli_getc_cecho(); }while(c!='='); mlen_B *= 2; while(mlen_B){ v = 0x10; c = cli_getc_cecho(); if(c>='0' && c<='9'){ v = c-'0'; }else{ c |= 'A'^'a'; if(c>='a' && c<='f'){ v= c-'a'+10; } } if(v<0x10){ if((i&1)==0){ v<<=4; } ((uint8_t*)mac_buffer)[i/2] |= v; ++i; --mlen_B; } } return 0; } void cmacvs_test1(void){ /* Gen tests */ int32_t klen, mlen, tlen; int32_t expect_input=0; if(!cmacvs_algo){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: select algorithm first!"); return; } char c; cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B=(cmacvs_algo->blocksize_b)/8; uint8_t tag[cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B]; uint8_t buffer[cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B+5]; cmacvs_ctx.buffer = buffer; cli_putstr("\r\nbuffer_size = 0x"); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B), 2); cli_putstr(" bytes"); for(;;){ cmacvs_ctx.blocks = 0; memset(buffer, 0, cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B); klen = getValue("Klen"); if(klen<0){ return; } mlen = getValue("Mlen"); if(mlen<0){ return; } tlen = getValue("Tlen"); if(tlen<0){ return; } uint8_t key_buffer[klen]; #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nKLen == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&klen, 4); cli_putstr("\r\nMLen == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&mlen, 4); cli_putstr("\r\nTLen == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&tlen, 4); #endif getKey(key_buffer, klen); if(mlen==0){ expect_input=2; }else{ expect_input=mlen*2; } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nexpected_input == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); if(expect_input==0) cli_putstr("\r\nexpected_input == 0 !!!"); #endif uint8_t ret; #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n CMAC init"); cli_putstr("\r\n (2) expected_input == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); #endif ret = bcal_cmac_init(cmacvs_algo, key_buffer, klen*8, &(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); if(ret){ cli_putstr("\r\n bcal_cmac_init returned with: "); cli_hexdump(&ret, 1); return; } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n (3) expected_input == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); cli_putstr("\r\n"); #endif while((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='M' && c!='m'){ if(!isspace(c)){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (1) [0x"); cli_hexdump(&c, 1); cli_putstr("]!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } } if((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='s' && c!='S'){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (2)!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } if((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='g' && c!='G'){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (3)!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } while((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='='){ if(!isspace(c)){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (4)!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nparsing started"); #endif cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx = 0; cmacvs_ctx.in_byte = 0; cmacvs_ctx.blocks = 0; while(expect_input>0){ c=cli_getc_cecho(); #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n\t("); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); cli_putstr(") "); _delay_ms(500); #endif if(buffer_add(c)==0){ --expect_input; }else{ if(!isblank((uint16_t)c)){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (5) ("); cli_putc(c); cli_putstr(")!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } } } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nBuffer-A:"); cli_hexdump_block(buffer, cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B, 5, 8); cli_putstr("\r\n starting finalisation"); cli_putstr("\r\n\tblocks == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.blocks),4); cli_putstr("\r\n\tbuffer_idx == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx),2); cli_putstr("\r\n\tin_byte == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.in_byte),1); // _delay_ms(500); cli_putstr("\r\n starting last block"); cli_putstr("\r\n\tlength == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&mlen,4); cli_putstr("\r\n\tbuffersize_B == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B),2); uint16_t temp=(mlen-cmacvs_ctx.blocks*cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8; cli_putstr("\r\n\t (temp) == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&temp,2); // _delay_ms(500); #endif uint16_t temp=(mlen-cmacvs_ctx.blocks*cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8; bcal_cmac_lastBlock( &(cmacvs_ctx.ctx), buffer, /* be aware of freaking compilers!!! */ // length-(cmacvs_ctx.blocks)*((cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8)); temp ); #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n starting ctx2cmac"); _delay_ms(500); #endif bcal_cmac_ctx2mac(tag, tlen*8, &(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n starting cmac free"); #endif bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); cli_putstr("\r\n Mac = "); cli_hexdump(tag, tlen); } } void cmacvs_test2(void){ /* Ver tests */ int32_t klen, mlen, tlen; int32_t expect_input=0; if(!cmacvs_algo){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: select algorithm first!"); return; } char c; cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B=(cmacvs_algo->blocksize_b)/8; uint8_t tag[cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B]; uint8_t tag_ref[cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B]; uint8_t buffer[cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B+5]; cmacvs_ctx.buffer = buffer; cli_putstr("\r\nbuffer_size = 0x"); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B), 2); cli_putstr(" bytes"); for(;;){ cmacvs_ctx.blocks = 0; memset(buffer, 0, cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B); klen = getValue("Klen"); if(klen<0){ return; } mlen = getValue("Mlen"); if(mlen<0){ return; } tlen = getValue("Tlen"); if(tlen<0){ return; } uint8_t key_buffer[klen]; #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nKLen == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&klen, 4); cli_putstr("\r\nMLen == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&mlen, 4); cli_putstr("\r\nTLen == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&tlen, 4); #endif getKey(key_buffer, klen); if(mlen==0){ expect_input=2; }else{ expect_input=mlen*2; } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nexpected_input == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); if(expect_input==0) cli_putstr("\r\nexpected_input == 0 !!!"); #endif uint8_t ret; #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n CMAC init"); cli_putstr("\r\n (2) expected_input == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); #endif ret = bcal_cmac_init(cmacvs_algo, key_buffer, klen*8, &(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); if(ret){ cli_putstr("\r\n bcal_cmac_init returned with: "); cli_hexdump(&ret, 1); return; } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n (3) expected_input == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); cli_putstr("\r\n"); #endif while((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='M' && c!='m'){ if(!isspace(c)){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (1) [0x"); cli_hexdump(&c, 1); cli_putstr("]!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } } if((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='s' && c!='S'){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (2)!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } if((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='g' && c!='G'){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (3)!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } while((c=cli_getc_cecho())!='='){ if(!isspace(c)){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (4)!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nparsing started"); #endif cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx = 0; cmacvs_ctx.in_byte = 0; cmacvs_ctx.blocks = 0; while(expect_input>0){ c=cli_getc_cecho(); #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n\t("); cli_hexdump_rev(&expect_input, 4); cli_putstr(") "); _delay_ms(500); #endif if(buffer_add(c)==0){ --expect_input; }else{ if(!isblank((uint16_t)c)){ cli_putstr("\r\nERROR: wrong input (5) ("); cli_putc(c); cli_putstr(")!\r\n"); bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); return; } } } #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\nBuffer-A:"); cli_hexdump_block(buffer, cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B, 5, 8); cli_putstr("\r\n starting finalisation"); cli_putstr("\r\n\tblocks == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.blocks),4); cli_putstr("\r\n\tbuffer_idx == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.buffer_idx),2); cli_putstr("\r\n\tin_byte == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.in_byte),1); // _delay_ms(500); cli_putstr("\r\n starting last block"); cli_putstr("\r\n\tlength == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&mlen,4); cli_putstr("\r\n\tbuffersize_B == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&(cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B),2); uint16_t temp=(mlen-cmacvs_ctx.blocks*cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8; cli_putstr("\r\n\t (temp) == "); cli_hexdump_rev(&temp,2); // _delay_ms(500); #endif uint16_t temp=(mlen-cmacvs_ctx.blocks*cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8; bcal_cmac_lastBlock( &(cmacvs_ctx.ctx), buffer, /* be aware of freaking compilers!!! */ // length-(cmacvs_ctx.blocks)*((cmacvs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8)); temp ); #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n starting ctx2cmac"); _delay_ms(500); #endif bcal_cmac_ctx2mac(tag, tlen*8, &(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); #if DEBUG cli_putstr("\r\n starting cmac free"); #endif bcal_cmac_free(&(cmacvs_ctx.ctx)); cli_putstr("\r\n Mac = "); cli_hexdump(tag, tlen); getMac(tag_ref, tlen); if(memcmp(tag, tag_ref, tlen)){ cli_putstr("\r\n Result = F"); }else{ cli_putstr("\r\n Result = P"); } } }