#!/usr/bin/ruby # rsa_oaep_check.rb =begin This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib. Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =end require 'rubygems' require 'serialport' require 'getopt/std' $buffer_size = 0 # set automatically in init_system $conffile_check = Hash.new $conffile_check.default = 0 $debug = false $logfile = nil ################################################################################ # readconfigfile # ################################################################################ def read_line_from_device() repeat_counter = 10000 l = nil s = '' begin l = $sp.gets() repeat_counter -= 1 end while !l && repeat_counter > 0 t = Time.new $logfile.printf("DBG: (%02d:%02d:%02d)<< %s\n", t.hour, t.min, t.sec, l.inspect) if $debug if l && l.include?("AVR-Crypto-Lib") $logfile.printf("DBG: system crashed !!!\n") exit(false) end return l end def readconfigfile(fname, conf) return conf if $conffile_check[fname]==1 $conffile_check[fname]=1 section = "default" if not File.exists?(fname) return conf end file = File.open(fname, "r") until file.eof line = file.gets() next if /[\s]*#/.match(line) if m=/\[[\s]*([^\s]*)[\s]*\]/.match(line) section=m[1] conf[m[1]] = Hash.new next end next if ! /=/.match(line) m=/[\s]*([^\s]*)[\s]*=[\s]*([^\s]*)/.match(line) if m[1]=="include" Dir.glob(m[2]){ |fn| conf = readconfigfile(fn, conf) } else conf[section][m[1]] = m[2] end end file.close() return conf end ################################################################################ # reset_system # ################################################################################ def reset_system $sp.print("\r") sleep 0.1 $sp.print("\r") sleep 0.1 $sp.print("echo off\r") sleep 0.1 end def read_block(f) d = Array.new begin l = f.gets x = l.split.collect { |e| e.to_i(16) } d += x end while x.length == 16 return d end def goto_next_header(f) while l = f.gets() m = /^#\ (=|-)*[=-]{5}/.match(l) t = :subblock if m && m[1] == '-' t = :mainblock if m && m[1] == '=' if !m && n = /^#\ (.*)$/.match(l) id = n[1] id.sub!(/[\r\n]/,'') return t,id end if !m && !id t = nil end end return nil,nil if !l end def skip_file_header(f) while l = f.gets() return if m = /^#\ [=]{40}/.match(l) end end def test_parse(f) skip_file_header(f) loop do a,b = goto_next_header(f) if !b puts(">>EOF<<") return end if a printf(">>%sblock: %s\n", a==:mainblock ? "main":"sub", b) next end printf(">item: %s\n", b) d = read_block(f) printf(">length: %d (0x%x)\n>data:", d.length, d.length) i = 0 d.each do |e| printf("\n>") if i % 16 == 0 printf(" %02x", e) i += 1 end puts('') end end =begin >item: RSA modulus n: >item: RSA public exponent e: >item: RSA private exponent d: >item: Prime p: >item: Prime q: >item: p's CRT exponent dP: >item: q's CRT exponent dQ: >item: CRT coefficient qInv: =end def read_key(f) h = Hash.new 8.times do q,id = goto_next_header(f) d = read_block(f) m = /[\ \t]([^\ \t]*):[\ \t]*$/.match(id) if m id = m[1] end h[id] = d end req_items = ['n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'dP', 'dQ', 'qInv'] req_items.each do |e| printf("ERROR: key component %s is missing!\n", e) if !h[e] end h.each_key do |e| printf("ERROR: unknown item '%s'!\n", e) if !req_items.index(e) end return h end =begin >item: Message to be encrypted: >item: Seed: >item: Encryption: =end def read_tv(f) subst_hash = { 'Message to be encrypted:' => 'msg', 'Seed:' => 'seed', 'Encryption:' => 'enc'} h = Hash.new 3.times do q,id = goto_next_header(f) d = read_block(f) n = subst_hash[id] printf("ERROR: unknown item '%s'!\n", id) if !n h[n] = d end req_items = ['msg', 'seed', 'enc'] req_items.each do |e| printf("ERROR: testvector component %s is missing!\n", e) if !h[e] end while h['enc'][0] == 0 h['enc'].delete_at(0) end return h end def wait_for_dot begin s = $sp.gets() end while !s || !s.include?('.') end def load_bigint(d) $sp.printf("%d\r", d.length) while l = read_line_from_device() break if /data:/.match(l) end printf "ERROR: got no answer from system!" if !l i = 0 d.each do |e| $sp.printf("%02x", e) i += 1 if i % 60 == 0 # we should now wait for incomming dot wait_for_dot() print('.') end end end def hexdump(a) i = 0 a.each do |e| printf("\n\t") if i % 16 == 0 printf('%02x ', e) i += 1 end puts('') if i % 16 != 1 end def str_hexdump(a) i = 0 s = '' a.each do |e| s += "\n\t" if i % 16 == 0 s += sprintf('%02x ', e) i += 1 end s += "\n" if i % 16 != 1 return s end def load_key(k) $sp.print("load-key\r") sleep 0.1 v = ['n', 'e', 'p', 'q', 'dP', 'dQ', 'qInv'] v.each do |e| load_bigint(k[e]) $logfile.printf("DBG: loaded %s\n", e) if $debug end while l = read_line_from_device() break if />/.match(l) end end def check_tv(tv) sleep 0.1 $sp.print("seed-test\r") sleep 0.1 load_bigint(tv['msg']) $logfile.printf("DBG: loaded %s\n", 'msg') if $debug sleep 0.1 tv['seed'].each { |e| $sp.printf(" %02x", e) } while l = read_line_from_device() break if /ciphertext:/.match(l) end test_enc = '' loop do l = read_line_from_device() break if ! /([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\s*)+/.match(l) test_enc += l if l end test_enc_a = Array.new test_enc = test_enc.split(/[\W\r\n]+/) test_enc.each do |e| v = e.sub(/[^0-9A-Fa-f]/, '') test_enc_a << v if v.length == 2 end test_enc_a.collect!{ |e| e.to_i(16) } enc_ok = (test_enc_a == tv['enc']) if !enc_ok $logfile.printf("DBG: ref = %s test = %s\n", str_hexdump(tv['enc']) , str_hexdump(test_enc_a)) end m = nil loop do l = read_line_from_device() m = /(>>OK<<|ERROR)/.match(l) break if m end return true if enc_ok && (m[1] == '>>OK<<') return false end def run_test(f,skip_key=1,skip_vec=1) ok = 0 fail = 0 key_idx = 0 vec_idx = 0 skip_file_header(f) loop do a,b = goto_next_header(f) $logfile.printf("DBG: a=%s b=%s\n", a.inspect, b.inspect) if $debug return ok,fail if !b if a == :mainblock # Example 1: A 1024-bit RSA Key Pair b.sub!(/[\d]+:/) { |s| sprintf("%3d,", s.to_i)} printf("\n>> %s: ", b) # (35-b.length).times { putc(' ')} end if a == :subblock if b == 'Components of the RSA Key Pair' k = read_key(f) key_idx += 1 vec_idx = 0 load_key(k) if skip_key <= key_idx else tv = read_tv(f) vec_idx += 1 if (key_idx > skip_key) || (key_idx == skip_key && vec_idx >= skip_vec) r = check_tv(tv) if r ok += 1 putc('*') else fail += 1 putc('!') end else putc('o') end end end end end ######################################## # MAIN ######################################## opts = Getopt::Std.getopts("dc:f:il:s:") conf = Hash.new conf = readconfigfile("/etc/testport.conf", conf) conf = readconfigfile("~/.testport.conf", conf) conf = readconfigfile("testport.conf", conf) conf = readconfigfile(opts["c"], conf) if opts["c"] #puts conf.inspect puts("serial port interface version: " + SerialPort::VERSION); $linewidth = 64 params = { "baud" => conf["PORT"]["baud"].to_i, "data_bits" => conf["PORT"]["databits"].to_i, "stop_bits" => conf["PORT"]["stopbits"].to_i, "parity" => SerialPort::NONE } params["paraty"] = SerialPort::ODD if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "odd" params["paraty"] = SerialPort::EVEN if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "even" params["paraty"] = SerialPort::MARK if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "mark" params["paraty"] = SerialPort::SPACE if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "space" puts("\nPort: "+conf["PORT"]["port"]+"@" + params["baud"].to_s + " " + params["data_bits"].to_s + conf["PORT"]["paraty"][0,1].upcase + params["stop_bits"].to_s + "\n") $sp = SerialPort.new(conf["PORT"]["port"], params) $sp.read_timeout=1000; # 5 minutes $sp.flow_control = SerialPort::SOFT $debug = true if opts['d'] if opts['s'] && m = opts['s'].match(/([\d]+\.([\d]+))/) sk = m[1].to_i sv = m[2].to_i else sk = 1 sv = 1 end if opts['l'] $logfile = File.open(opts['l'], 'w') end $logfile = STDOUT if ! $logfile $logfile.sync = true reset_system() f = File.open(opts['f'], "r") exit if !f ok,fail = run_test(f,sk,sv) printf("\nOK: %d FAIL: %d :-%s\n",ok,fail, fail==0 ? ')':'(')