/* rsa_oaep.c */ /* This file is part of the ARM-Crypto-Lib. Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "memxor.h" #include "mgf1.h" #include "bigint.h" #include "rsa_basic.h" #include "rsa_oaep.h" #include "random_dummy.h" #include "hfal/hfal_sha1.h" #include "cli.h" #include "uart_lowlevel.h" mgf1_parameter_t mgf1_default_parameter = { &sha1_desc }; rsa_oaep_parameter_t rsa_oaep_default_parameter = { mgf1, &sha1_desc, &mgf1_default_parameter }; rsa_label_t rsa_oaep_default_label = { 0, NULL }; uint8_t rsa_encrypt_oaep(void* dest, uint16_t* out_length, const void* src, uint16_t length_B, rsa_publickey_t* key, const rsa_oaep_parameter_t *p, const rsa_label_t* label, const void* seed){ if(!p){ p = &rsa_oaep_default_parameter; } if(!label){ label = &rsa_oaep_default_label; } uint16_t hv_len = (hfal_hash_getHashsize(p->hf)+7)/8; if(length_B > bigint_length_B(key->modulus) - 2*hv_len - 2){ /* message too long */ return 1; } uint16_t buffer_len = bigint_length_B(key->modulus); uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*)dest; uint8_t off; /* the following needs some explanation: * off is the offset which is used for compensating the effect of * changeendian() when it operates on multi-byte words. * */ off = (sizeof(bigint_word_t) -(bigint_get_first_set_bit(key->modulus)/8+1)%(sizeof(bigint_word_t)*8)) % (sizeof(bigint_word_t)); uart_flush(0); buffer += off; buffer_len -= off; uint8_t* seed_buffer = buffer + 1; uint16_t db_len = buffer_len - hv_len - 1; uint8_t* db = seed_buffer + hv_len; uint16_t maskbuffer_len = db_len>hv_len?db_len:hv_len; uint8_t maskbuffer[maskbuffer_len]; bigint_t x; memset(buffer, 0, seed_buffer - buffer); memset(db + hv_len, 0, db_len - hv_len - length_B -1); hfal_hash_mem(p->hf, db, label->label, label->length_b); db[db_len - length_B - 1] = 0x01; memcpy(db+db_len - length_B, src, length_B); uart_flush(0); if(seed){ memcpy(seed_buffer, seed, hv_len); }else{ /* generate random seed */ if(!prng_get_byte){ return 2; /* ERROR: no random generator specified */ } uint16_t i; for(i=0; imgf(maskbuffer, seed_buffer, hv_len, db_len, p->mgf_parameter); memxor(db, maskbuffer, db_len); p->mgf(maskbuffer, db, db_len, hv_len, p->mgf_parameter); memxor(seed_buffer, maskbuffer, hv_len); cli_putstr("\r\ngot to 112\r\n"); uart_flush(0); x.wordv = dest; x.length_B = key->modulus->length_B; bigint_adjust(&x); cli_putstr("\r\ngot to 118\r\n"); uart_flush(0); rsa_os2ip(&x, NULL, key->modulus->length_B * sizeof(bigint_word_t)); rsa_enc(&x, key); rsa_i2osp(NULL, &x, out_length); return 0; }