
213 lines
10 KiB

# autogen f1 function for BMW
This file is part of the ARM-Crypto-Lib.
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Daniel Otte (
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
header = <<EOF
/* BEGIN of automatic generated code */
This file is part of the ARM-Crypto-Lib.
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Daniel Otte (
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
static inline
void bmw_small_f1(uint32_t* q, const uint32_t* m, const uint32_t* h){
uint32_t even, odd;
uint32x4_t qq16, qq20, qq24, qq28;
uint32x4_t qm0, qm1, qm2;
uint32x4_t qk={0x55555550UL, 0x5aaaaaa5UL, 0x5ffffffaUL, 0x6555554fUL};
uint32x4_t qkadd={0x15555554UL, 0x15555554UL, 0x15555554UL, 0x15555554UL};
uint32x2_t dtmp0;
uint32x4x2_t q2tmp0, q2tmp1;
footer = <<EOF
/* END of automatic generated code */
uint32_t r;
/* r = 0x05555555*(j+16); */
r = ( ROTL32(((uint32_t*)m)[j], ((j+0))+1 )
+ ROTL32(((uint32_t*)m)[(j+3)], ((j+3))+1 )
- ROTL32(((uint32_t*)m)[(j+10)], ((j+10))+1 )
+ k_lut[j]
) ^ ((uint32_t*)h)[(j+7)];
r += S32_1(q[j+ 0]) + S32_2(q[j+ 1]) + S32_3(q[j+ 2]) + S32_0(q[j+ 3]) +
S32_1(q[j+ 4]) + S32_2(q[j+ 5]) + S32_3(q[j+ 6]) + S32_0(q[j+ 7]) +
S32_1(q[j+ 8]) + S32_2(q[j+ 9]) + S32_3(q[j+10]) + S32_0(q[j+11]) +
S32_1(q[j+12]) + S32_2(q[j+13]) + S32_3(q[j+14]) + S32_0(q[j+15]);
def gen_addElement(i)
j = i-16;
s = sprintf("\n /* addElement for q%d .. q%d */\n", i, i+3);
s += sprintf(" qm0 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(m[%2d]));\n", j);
s += sprintf(" qm1 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(m[%2d]));\n", j+3);
s += sprintf(" qm2 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(m[%2d]));\n", j+10);
s += sprintf(" qm0 = veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d}),vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d}));\n",
(j+0)%16+1, (j+1)%16+1, (j+2)%16+1, (j+3)%16+1,
-(32-((j+0)%16+1)), -(32-((j+1)%16+1)), -(32-((j+2)%16+1)), -(32-((j+3)%16+1)))
s += sprintf(" qm1 = veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm1,(int32x4_t){%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d}),vshlq_u32(qm1,(int32x4_t){%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d}));\n",
(j+3)%16+1, (j+4)%16+1, (j+5)%16+1, (j+6)%16+1,
-(32-((j+3)%16+1)), -(32-((j+4)%16+1)), -(32-((j+5)%16+1)), -(32-((j+6)%16+1)))
s += sprintf(" qm2 = veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm2,(int32x4_t){%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d}),vshlq_u32(qm2,(int32x4_t){%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d}));\n",
(j+10)%16+1, (j+11)%16+1, (j+12)%16+1, (j+13)%16+1,
-(32-((j+10)%16+1)), -(32-((j+11)%16+1)), -(32-((j+12)%16+1)), -(32-((j+13)%16+1)))
s += sprintf(" qq%d = veorq_u32(vaddq_u32(vaddq_u32(qm0, qm1),vsubq_u32(qk, qm2)), *((uint32x4_t*)&(h[%2d])));\n",
i, (j+7)%16)
s += sprintf(" qk = vaddq_u32(qk, qkadd);\n");
return s
r += S32_1(q[j+ 0]) + S32_2(q[j+ 1]) + S32_3(q[j+ 2]) + S32_0(q[j+ 3]) +
S32_1(q[j+ 4]) + S32_2(q[j+ 5]) + S32_3(q[j+ 6]) + S32_0(q[j+ 7]) +
S32_1(q[j+ 8]) + S32_2(q[j+ 9]) + S32_3(q[j+10]) + S32_0(q[j+11]) +
S32_1(q[j+12]) + S32_2(q[j+13]) + S32_3(q[j+14]) + S32_0(q[j+15]);
#define S32_0(x) ( (SHR32((x), 1)) ^ \
(SHL32((x), 3)) ^ \
(ROTL32((x), 4)) ^ \
(ROTR32((x), 13)) )
#define S32_1(x) ( (SHR32((x), 1)) ^ \
(SHL32((x), 2)) ^ \
(ROTL32((x), 8)) ^ \
(ROTR32((x), 9)) )
#define S32_2(x) ( (SHR32((x), 2)) ^ \
(SHL32((x), 1)) ^ \
(ROTL32((x), 12)) ^ \
(ROTR32((x), 7)) )
#define S32_3(x) ( (SHR32((x), 2)) ^ \
(SHL32((x), 2)) ^ \
(ROTL32((x), 15)) ^ \
(ROTR32((x), 3)) )
def gen_expand_1(i)
s = sprintf("\n /* expand1(%2d) */\n", i)
s += sprintf(" qm0 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(q[%2d]));\n", i);
s += sprintf(" qm1 = veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -1, -2, -2, -1}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 2, 1, 2, 3})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 8, 12, 15, 4}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){-24,-20,-17,-28})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 23, 25, 29, 19}), \n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -9, -7, -3,-13}))));\n")
s += sprintf(" qm0 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(q[%2d]));\n", i+4);
s += sprintf(" qm2 = veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -1, -2, -2, -1}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 2, 1, 2, 3})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 8, 12, 15, 4}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){-24,-20,-17,-28})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 23, 25, 29, 19}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -9, -7, -3,-13}))));\n")
s += sprintf(" qm2 = vaddq_u32(qm2, qm1);\n")
s += sprintf(" qm0 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(q[%2d]));\n", i+8);
s += sprintf(" qm1 = veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -1, -2, -2, -1}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 2, 1, 2, 3})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 8, 12, 15, 4}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){-24,-20,-17,-28})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 23, 25, 29, 19}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -9, -7, -3,-13}))));\n")
s += sprintf(" qm2 = vaddq_u32(qm2, qm1);\n")
s += sprintf(" qm0 = *((uint32x4_t*)&(q[%2d]));\n", i+12);
s += sprintf(" qm1 = veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -1, -2, -2, -1}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 2, 1, 2, 3})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 8, 12, 15, 4}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){-24,-20,-17,-28})),\n" \
" veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ 23, 25, 29, 19}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(qm0,(int32x4_t){ -9, -7, -3,-13}))));\n")
s += sprintf(" qm2 = vaddq_u32(qm2, qm1);\n")
s += sprintf(" dtmp0 = vadd_u32(vget_high_u32(qm2), vget_low_u32(qm2));\n")
s += sprintf(" q[%2d] = vget_lane_u32(dtmp0, 0) + vget_lane_u32(dtmp0, 1) + vgetq_lane_u32(qq%d, %2d);\n",
i+16, (i+16)&0xFC, i&3)
return s
+ ( even = q[ 2] + q[ 4] + q[ 6]
+ q[ 8] + q[10] + q[12] + q[14] )
+ R32_1(q[ 3]) + R32_2(q[ 5]) + R32_3(q[ 7])
+ R32_4(q[ 9]) + R32_5(q[11]) + R32_6(q[13])
+ R32_7(q[15]) + S32_4(q[16]) + S32_5(q[17]);
+ ( odd = q[ 3] + q[ 5] + q[ 7]
+ q[ 9] + q[11] + q[13] + q[15] )
+ R32_1(q[ 4]) + R32_2(q[ 6]) + R32_3(q[ 8])
+ R32_4(q[10]) + R32_5(q[12]) + R32_6(q[14])
+ R32_7(q[16]) + S32_4(q[17]) + S32_5(q[18]);
#define S32_4(x) ( (SHR32((x), 1)) ^ (x))
#define S32_5(x) ( (SHR32((x), 2)) ^ (x))
#define R32_1(x) (ROTL32((x), 3))
#define R32_2(x) (ROTL32((x), 7))
#define R32_3(x) (ROTL32((x), 13))
#define R32_4(x) (ROTL32((x), 16))
#define R32_5(x) (ROTR32((x), 13))
#define R32_6(x) (ROTR32((x), 9))
#define R32_7(x) (ROTR32((x), 5))
def gen_expand_2(i, start)
s = sprintf("\n /* expand2(%2d) */\n", i)
s += sprintf(" q2tmp0 = vld2q_u32(&q[%2d]);\n", i)
s += sprintf(" q2tmp1 = vld2q_u32(&q[%2d]);\n", i+8)
if i-1<=start
s += sprintf(" q2tmp1.val[0] = vsetq_lane_u32(0, q2tmp1.val[0], 3);\n")
s += sprintf(" q2tmp0.val[0] = vaddq_u32(q2tmp0.val[0], q2tmp1.val[0]);\n")
s += sprintf(" dtmp0 = vadd_u32(vget_high_u32(q2tmp0.val[0]), vget_low_u32(q2tmp0.val[0]));\n")
s += sprintf(" %s = vget_lane_u32(dtmp0, 0) + vget_lane_u32(dtmp0, 1);\n",(i%2==0)?"even":"odd ")
s += sprintf(" %s += q[%2d] - q[%2d];\n",(i%2==0)?"even":"odd ", i+12, i-2)
s += sprintf(" q[%2d] = %s + ((q[%2d]>>1)|q[%2d]);\n", i+16, (i%2==0)?"even":"odd ", i+14, i+14)
s += sprintf(" qm0 = veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(q2tmp0.val[1],(int32x4_t){ 3, 7, 13, 16}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(q2tmp0.val[1],(int32x4_t){-29,-25,-19,-16}));\n")
s += sprintf(" qm1 = veorq_u32(vshlq_u32(q2tmp1.val[1],(int32x4_t){ 19, 23, 27, 0}),\n" \
" vshlq_u32(q2tmp1.val[1],(int32x4_t){-13, -9, -5, -2}));\n")
s += sprintf(" qm1 = vaddq_u32(qm1, qm0);\n")
s += sprintf(" dtmp0 = vadd_u32(vget_high_u32(qm1), vget_low_u32(qm1));\n")
s += sprintf(" q[%2d] += vget_lane_u32(dtmp0, 0) + vget_lane_u32(dtmp0, 1);\n", i+16)
return s
puts header
[16,20,24,28].each {|x| puts gen_addElement(x)}
(0..1).each {|x| puts gen_expand_1(x)}
(2..15).each {|x| puts gen_expand_2(x, 2)}
puts footer