some adjustments for debugging

This commit is contained in:
bg 2009-12-10 17:33:12 +00:00
parent aa060d30f8
commit 45ad29acaf
6 changed files with 148 additions and 129 deletions

View File

@ -21,18 +21,21 @@
#define DEBUG_INIT() debug_init()
#define DEBUG_INIT()
#define DEBUG_C(_c) debug_char(_c)
#define DEBUG_S(_s) debug_str(_s)
#define DEBUG_B(_b) debug_byte(_b)
#include "cli.h"
#define DEBUG_INIT()
#define DEBUG_C(_c)
#define DEBUG_S(_s)
#define DEBUG_B(_b)
void debug_init(void);
void debug_char(char);
void debug_str(char*);

View File

@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
* \email
* \date 2008-08-06
* \license GPLv3 or later
.macro push_ p1:req p2:vararg
push \p1
.ifnb \p2
.ifnb \p2
push_ \p2
.macro pop_ p1:req p2:vararg
pop \p1
.ifnb \p2
.ifnb \p2
pop_ \p2
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
* void noekeon_cbc_enc(void* buffer, uint8_t block_cnt, const void* key)
/* param buffer is passed in r24:r25
* param block_cnt is passed in r22 (r23 is 0)
* param key is passed in r20:r21
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
rcall noekeon_enc
pop_ r27, r26, r23, r22
pop r16 /* bloc counter */
pop r16 /* block counter */
dec r16
breq 9f
push r16
@ -73,27 +73,27 @@
st Z+, r18
dec r16
brne 2b
/* call encryption function; X points to our new block */
push_ r22, r23, r26, r27
movw r24, r26
rcall noekeon_enc
rjmp 1b

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ SHA1_HASH_BITS = 160
.macro delay
push r0
push r1
clr r0
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ SHA1_HASH_BITS = 160
/* X points to Block */
.macro dbg_hexdump length
hexdump \length
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ SREG = 0x3F
; [h0][h1][h2][h3][h4][length]
; hn is 32 bit large, length is 64 bit large
.global sha1_ctx2hash
; === sha1_ctx2hash ===
@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ sha1_ctx2hash:
movw r30, r24
ldi r21, 5
sbiw r26, 4
ldi r20, 4
adiw r26, 8
ld r0, -X
st Z+, r0
st Z+, r0
dec r20
brne 2b
dec r21
brne 1b
.global sha1
; === sha1 ===
@ -180,24 +180,24 @@ sha1_prolog:
push r17
in r16, SPL
in r17, SPH
subi r16, 5*4+8
sbci r17, 0
subi r16, 5*4+8
sbci r17, 0
in r0, SREG
out SPL, r16
out SPH, r17
out SREG, r0
push r25
push r24
inc r16
adc r17, r1
movw r8, r18 /* backup of length*/
movw r10, r20
movw r12, r22 /* backup pf msg-ptr */
movw r24, r16
rcall sha1_init
/* if length >= 512 */
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ sha1_prolog:
mov r19, r9
cpi r19, 0x02
brlo 4f
movw r24, r16
movw r22, r12
rcall sha1_nextBlock
@ -222,22 +222,22 @@ sha1_prolog:
sbc r10, r1
sbc r11, r1
rjmp 1b
movw r24, r16
movw r22, r12
movw r20, r8
rcall sha1_lastBlock
pop r24
pop r25
movw r22, r16
rcall sha1_ctx2hash
rcall sha1_ctx2hash
in r30, SPL
in r31, SPH
adiw r30, 5*4+8
adiw r30, 5*4+8
in r0, SREG
out SPL, r30
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ sha1_epilog:
pop r8
; block MUST NOT be larger than 64 bytes
@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ sha1_lastBlock_prolog:
lsr r18
bst r21, 0 /* may be we should explain this ... */
bld r18, 5 /* now: r18 == length/8 (aka. length in bytes) */
movw r26, r22 /* X points to begin of msg */
tst r18
breq sha1_lastBlock_post_copy
@ -319,27 +319,27 @@ sha1_lastBlock_copy_loop:
st Z+, r0
dec r1
brne sha1_lastBlock_copy_loop
ldi r19, 0x80
mov r0,r19
mov r0,r19
ldi r19, 0x07
and r19, r20 /* if we are in bitmode */
breq 2f /* no bitmode */
lsr r0
dec r19
brne 1b
ld r19, X
/* maybe we should do some ANDing here, just for safety */
or r0, r19
st Z+, r0
inc r18
/* checking stuff here */
cpi r18, 64-8+1
brsh 0f
brsh 0f
rjmp sha1_lastBlock_insert_zeros
/* oh shit, we landed here */
@ -347,15 +347,15 @@ sha1_lastBlock_insert_stuffing_bit:
ldi r19, 64
sub r19, r18
breq 2f
st Z+, r1
dec r19
brne 1b
brne 1b
sbiw r30, 63
sbiw r30, 1
movw r22, r30
push r31
push r30
push r25
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ sha1_lastBlock_insert_stuffing_bit:
pop r25
pop r30
pop r31
/* now we should subtract 512 from length */
movw r26, r24
adiw r26, 4*5+1 /* we can skip the lowest byte */
@ -383,11 +383,11 @@ sha1_lastBlock_insert_stuffing_bit:
st X+, r19
dec r18
brne 1b
; clr r18 /* not neccessary ;-) */
/* reset Z pointer to begin of block */
ldi r19, 64-8
sub r19, r18
breq sha1_lastBlock_insert_length
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ sha1_lastBlock_epilog:
.global sha1_nextBlock
; === sha1_nextBlock ===
@ -482,27 +482,27 @@ sha1_nextBlock:
in r20, SPL
in r21, SPH
movw r18, r20 ;backup SP
; movw r26, r20 ; X points to free space on stack /* maybe removeable? */
; movw r26, r20 ; X points to free space on stack /* maybe removeable? */
movw r30, r22 ; Z points to message
subi r20, lo8(sha1_nextBlock_localSpace) ;sbiw can do only up to 63
sbci r21, hi8(sha1_nextBlock_localSpace)
movw r26, r20 ; X points to free space on stack
movw r26, r20 ; X points to free space on stack
in r0, SREG
cli ; we want to be uninterrupted while updating SP
out SPL, r20
out SPH, r21
out SREG, r0
push r18
push r19 /* push old SP on new stack */
push r24
push r25 /* param1 will be needed later */
/* load a[] with state */
movw 28, r24 /* load pointer to state in Y */
adiw r26, 1 ; X++
ldi LoopC, 5*4
ldi LoopC, 5*4
1: ld tmp1, Y+
st X+, tmp1
dec LoopC
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock:
movw W1, r26 /* save pointer to w[0] */
/* load w[] with endian fixed message */
/* we might also use the changeendian32() function at bottom */
movw r30, r22 /* mv param2 (ponter to msg) to Z */
movw r30, r22 /* mv param2 (ponter to msg) to Z */
ldi LoopC, 16
ldd tmp1, Z+3
@ -525,8 +525,8 @@ sha1_nextBlock:
adiw r30, 4
dec LoopC
brne 1b
;clr LoopC /* LoopC is named t in FIPS 180-2 */
;clr LoopC /* LoopC is named t in FIPS 180-2 */
clr xtmp
mov S, LoopC
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop:
ld T3, X+
ld T4, X+
push r26
push r27
push T4
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop:
pop T4
pop r27
pop r26
cpi LoopC, 16
brlt sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core
@ -600,24 +600,24 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop:
st X+, T2
st X+, T3
st X+, T4
sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core: /* ther core function; T=ROTL5(a) ....*/
sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core: /* ther core function; T=ROTL5(a) ....*/
/* T already contains w[s] */
movw r26, W1
sbiw r26, 4*1 /* X points at a[4] aka e */
ld tmp1, X+
ld tmp1, X+
add T1, tmp1
ld tmp1, X+
ld tmp1, X+
adc T2, tmp1
ld tmp1, X+
ld tmp1, X+
adc T3, tmp1
ld tmp1, X+
ld tmp1, X+
adc T4, tmp1 /* T = w[s]+e */
sbiw r26, 4*5 /* X points at a[0] aka a */
ld F1, X+
ld F2, X+
ld F3, X+
ld F4, X+
ld F1, X+
ld F2, X+
ld F3, X+
ld F4, X+
mov tmp1, F4 /* X points at a[1] aka b */
ldi tmp2, 5
@ -628,12 +628,12 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core: /* ther core function; T=ROTL5(a) ....*/
rol F4
dec tmp2
brne 1b
add T1, F1
adc T2, F2
adc T3, F3
adc T4, F4 /* T = ROTL(a,5) + e + w[s] */
/* now we have to do this fucking conditional stuff */
ldi r30, lo8(sha1_nextBlock_xTable)
ldi r31, hi8(sha1_nextBlock_xTable)
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core: /* ther core function; T=ROTL5(a) ....*/
adc r31, xNULL
lsr xtmp
lsr xtmp
lpm tmp1, Z+
add T1, tmp1
lpm tmp1, Z+
@ -661,13 +661,13 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core: /* ther core function; T=ROTL5(a) ....*/
lpm tmp1, Z+
adc T4, tmp1
/* T = ROTL(a,5) + e + kt + w[s] */
/* Z-4 is just pointing to kt ... */
movw r28, r26 /* copy X in Y */
adiw r30, 3*4 /* now Z points to the rigth locatin in our jump-vector-table */
lsr r31
ror r30
mov F1, tmp1
@ -675,27 +675,27 @@ sha1_nextBlock_mainloop_core: /* ther core function; T=ROTL5(a) ....*/
mov F3, tmp1
add T1, F1
adc T2, F2
adc T3, F3
adc T4, tmp1 /* T = ROTL5(a) + f_t(b,c,d) + e + k_t + w[s] */
/* X points still at a[1] aka b, Y points at a[2] aka c */
/* X points still at a[1] aka b, Y points at a[2] aka c */
/* update a[] */
/*first we move all vars in a[] "one up" e=d, d=c, c=b, b=a*/
//adiw r28, 3*4 /* Y should point at a[4] aka e */
movw r28, W1
sbiw r28, 4
ldi tmp2, 4*4
ldi tmp2, 4*4
ld tmp1, -Y
std Y+4, tmp1
dec tmp2
brne 1b
/* Y points at a[0] aka a*/
movw r28, W1
sbiw r28, 5*4
/* store T in a[0] aka a */
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_update_a:
st Y+, T3
st Y+, T4
/* Y points at a[1] aka b*/
/* rotate c */
ldd T1, Y+1*4
ldd T2, Y+1*4+1
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_update_a:
std Y+1*4+1, T2
std Y+1*4+2, T3
std Y+1*4+3, T4
push r27
push r26
movw r26, W1
@ -731,17 +731,17 @@ sha1_nextBlock_update_a:
dbg_hexdump 4*5
pop r26
pop r27
inc LoopC
cpi LoopC, 80
brge 1f
rjmp sha1_nextBlock_mainloop
/* littel patch */
sbiw r28, 4
/* add a[] to state and inc length */
/* add a[] to state and inc length */
pop r27
pop r26 /* now X points to state (and Y still at a[0]) */
ldi tmp4, 5
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_update_a:
brne 2b
dec tmp4
brne 1b
/* now length += 512 */
adiw r26, 1 /* we skip the least significant byte */
ld tmp1, X
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_update_a:
st X+, tmp1
dec tmp2
brne 1b
/* now we should clean up the stack */
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_epilog:
out SPL, r20
out SPH, r21
out SREG, r0
clr r1
pop r29
pop r28
@ -797,13 +797,13 @@ sha1_nextBlock_epilog:
.byte 20,40,60,0
.int 0x5a827999
.int 0x6ed9eba1
.int 0x8f1bbcdc
.int 0x5a827999
.int 0x6ed9eba1
.int 0x8f1bbcdc
.int 0xca62c1d6
rjmp sha1_nextBlock_Ch
rjmp sha1_nextBlock_Parity
rjmp sha1_nextBlock_Maj
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ sha1_nextBlock_Ch:
and tmp2, tmp3
eor tmp1, tmp2
ld tmp1, Y+
mov tmp2, tmp1
@ -841,14 +841,14 @@ sha1_nextBlock_Parity:
ldd tmp2, Y+7 /* load from d */
eor tmp1, tmp2
ch_str: .asciz "\r\nCh"
maj_str: .asciz "\r\nMaj"
parity_str: .asciz "\r\nParity"
.global sha1_init
.global sha1_init
;void sha1_init(sha1_ctx_t *state){
; DEBUG_S("\r\nSHA1_INIT");
; state->h[0] = 0x67452301;
@ -865,8 +865,8 @@ sha1_init:
ldi r30, lo8((sha1_init_vector))
ldi r31, hi8((sha1_init_vector))
ldi r22, 5*4 /* bytes to copy */
lpm r23, Z+
lpm r23, Z+
st X+, r23
dec r22
brne sha1_init_vloop
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ sha1_init_lloop:
dec r22
brne sha1_init_lloop
.int 0x67452301;
.int 0xefcdab89;

View File

@ -28,11 +28,14 @@
#include <string.h> /* memcpy & co */
#include <stdint.h>
#include "config.h"
#undef DEBUG
//#define DEBUG UART
#include "debug.h"
#include "sha1.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
# undef DEBUG

View File

@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
* author: Daniel Otte
* email:
* license: GPLv3
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
uint32_t ovfcounter;
static volatile uint32_t ovfcounter;
uint16_t const_overhead=0;
uint16_t int_overhead=0;
static uint16_t const_overhead=0;
static uint16_t int_overhead=0;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void startTimer(uint8_t granularity){
uint64_t stopTimer(void){
TCCR1B = 0; /* stop timer */
uint64_t ret;
ret = (ovfcounter<<16) | TCNT1;
ret = (((uint64_t)ovfcounter)<<16) | TCNT1;
ret -= const_overhead;
ret -= ovfcounter * int_overhead;
return ret;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ uint64_t stopTimer(void){
void getOverhead(uint16_t* constoh, uint16_t* intoh){
*constoh = const_overhead;
*intoh = int_overhead;
*intoh = int_overhead;
void print_time_P(PGM_P s, uint64_t t){

View File

@ -291,10 +291,23 @@ void shavs_test1(void){
cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n starting last block"));
cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tlength == "));
cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tbuffersize_B == "));
uint16_t temp=length-(shavs_ctx.blocks)*((shavs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8);
cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\t (temp) == "));
hfal_hash_lastBlock( &(shavs_ctx.ctx),
#if !DEBUG
uint16_t temp=length-(shavs_ctx.blocks)*((shavs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8);
// cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\t (temp) == "));
hfal_hash_lastBlock( &(shavs_ctx.ctx), buffer, /* be aware of freaking compilers!!! */
// length-(shavs_ctx.blocks)*((shavs_ctx.buffersize_B)*8));
temp );
cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n starting ctx2hash"));