/* rc5.h a C implementation of RC5 for AVR microcontrollers * * author: Daniel Otte * email: daniel.otte@rub.de * license: GPLv3 * * this implementation is limited to 64bit blocks and a maximum of 255 rounds * */ #ifndef RC5_H_ #define RC5_H_ #include #include /* malloc() & free() */ #include /* memset() & memcpy() */ typedef struct rc5_ctx_st { uint8_t rounds; uint32_t *s; }rc5_ctx_t; void rc5_enc(void* buffer, const rc5_ctx_t* ctx); void rc5_dec(void* buffer, const rc5_ctx_t* ctx); void rc5_init(void* key, uint16_t keysize_b, uint8_t rounds, rc5_ctx_t* ctx); void rc5_free(rc5_ctx_t* ctx); #endif /*RC5_H_*/