/* rabbit_c.c */ /* This file is part of the ARM-Crypto-Lib. Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "rabbit.h" #ifndef ESTREAM #define ESTREAM 0 #endif /* void dump_ctx(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ uint8_t i=0; cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n --- ctx dump ---\r\n b = ")); cli_hexdump_byte(ctx->carry); do{ if((i&3)==0){ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n")); } cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" X")); cli_hexdump_byte(i); cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" = 0x")); cli_hexdump_rev(&(ctx->x[i]), 4); }while(++i<8); i=0; do{ if((i&3)==0){ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n")); } cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" C")); cli_hexdump_byte(i); cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" = 0x")); cli_hexdump_rev(&(ctx->c[i]), 4); }while(++i<8); } */ static const uint32_t c_const[8] PROGMEM = { 0x4D34D34D, 0xD34D34D3, 0x34D34D34, 0x4D34D34D, 0xD34D34D3, 0x34D34D34, 0x4D34D34D, 0xD34D34D3 }; static void gen_g(uint32_t* dest, rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ uint8_t i=0; uint64_t a; uint32_t t, *x, *c; x = ctx->x; c = ctx->c; do{ t = *x++ + *c++; a = ((uint64_t)t)*((uint64_t)t); dest[i] = (uint32_t)(a^(a>>32)); }while(++i<8); } static void update_c(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ uint8_t i=0; uint64_t a; uint32_t *c; const uint32_t *con; c = ctx->c; con = c_const; a = ctx->carry; do{ a += *c; a += pgm_read_dword(con++); *c++ = (uint32_t)a; a >>= 32; }while(++i<8); ctx->carry = a?1:0; } #define ROT16(a) (((a)<<16) | ((a)>>16)) #define ROT8(a) (((a)<< 8) | ((a)>>24)) static void step(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ uint32_t g[8]; uint8_t i=0; update_c(ctx); gen_g(g, ctx); memcpy(ctx->x, g, 8*4); do{ ctx->x[i] += ROT16(g[(i+8-1)%8]) + ROT16(g[(i+8-2)%8]); ++i; ctx->x[i] += ROT8(g[(i+8-1)%8]) + g[(i+8-2)%8]; }while(++i<8); } static void keysetup(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx, const void* key){ uint16_t *x, *c; uint8_t i=0; x = (uint16_t*)(ctx->x); c = (uint16_t*)(ctx->c); ctx->carry = 0; do{ *x++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[i]; *x++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[(i+1)%8]; *c++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[(i+5)%8]; *c++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[(i+4)%8]; ++i; *x++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[(i+4)%8]; *x++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[(i+5)%8]; *c++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[(i+1)%8]; *c++ = ((uint16_t*)key)[i]; }while(++i<8); i=0; do{ step(ctx); }while(++i<4); i=0; do{ ctx->c[i] ^= ctx->x[(i+4)%8]; }while(++i<8); } static void ivsetup(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx, const void* iv){ uint8_t i; uint32_t t; union __attribute__((packed)){ uint8_t v8[8]; uint16_t v16[4]; uint32_t v32[2]; }t_iv; i=0; #if ESTREAM memcpy(t_iv.v8, iv, 8); #else do{ t_iv.v8[i] = ((uint8_t*)iv)[7-i]; t_iv.v8[7-i] = ((uint8_t*)iv)[i]; }while(++i<4); #endif ctx->c[0] ^= t_iv.v32[0]; ctx->c[4] ^= t_iv.v32[0]; ctx->c[2] ^= t_iv.v32[1]; ctx->c[6] ^= t_iv.v32[1]; t = ( ((uint32_t)(t_iv.v16[3]))<<16) | (t_iv.v16[1]); ctx->c[1] ^= t; ctx->c[5] ^= t; t = ( ((uint32_t)(t_iv.v16[2]))<<16) | (t_iv.v16[0]); ctx->c[3] ^= t; ctx->c[7] ^= t; i=4; do{ step(ctx); }while(--i); } static void extract(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ int8_t i=0; uint8_t *t; uint16_t v; t = ctx->buffer; i=6; do{ v = ((uint16_t*)(ctx->x))[(2*(i+ 8)+1)%16] ^ ((uint16_t*)(ctx->x))[(2*(i+11)+0)%16]; *t++ = v>>8; *t++ = (uint8_t)v; v = ((uint16_t*)(ctx->x))[(2*(i+ 8)+0)%16] ^ ((uint16_t*)(ctx->x))[(2*(i+13)+1)%16]; *t++ = v>>8; *t++ = (uint8_t)v; i-=2; }while(i>=0); #if ESTREAM uint8_t x; i=0; do{ x = ctx->buffer[i]; ctx->buffer[i] = ctx->buffer[15-i]; ctx->buffer[15-i] = x; }while(++i<8); #endif } static const uint8_t key80_pad[] PROGMEM = { 0xDE, 0x05, 0x6E, 0xAC, 0x8A, 0x11 }; void rabbit_init(const void* key, uint16_t keysize_b, const void* iv, rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ uint8_t t_key[16]; if(keysize_b==80){ memcpy(t_key, key, 10); memcpy_P(t_key+10, key80_pad, 6); }else{ memcpy(t_key, key, 16); } #if !ESTREAM uint8_t i=0, t; do{ t = t_key[i]; t_key[i] = t_key[15-i]; t_key[15-i] = t; }while(++i<8); #endif keysetup(ctx, t_key); if(iv){ ivsetup(ctx, iv); } extract(ctx); ctx->buffer_idx = 16; } uint8_t rabbit_gen(rabbit_ctx_t* ctx){ if(ctx->buffer_idx==16){ step(ctx); extract(ctx); ctx->buffer_idx = 0; } return ctx->buffer[ctx->buffer_idx++]; }