#!/usr/bin/ruby # bigint_test.rb =begin This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib. Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =end $debug = true $debug = false require 'rubygems' require 'serialport' require 'getopt/std' require 'ftools' require 'date' $buffer_size = 0 $conffile_check = Hash.new $conffile_check.default = 0 ################################################################################ # readconfigfile # ################################################################################ def readconfigfile(fname, conf) return conf if $conffile_check[fname]==1 $conffile_check[fname]=1 section = "default" if not File.exists?(fname) return conf end file = File.open(fname, "r") until file.eof line = file.gets() next if /[\s]*#/.match(line) if m=/\[[\s]*([^\s]*)[\s]*\]/.match(line) section=m[1] conf[m[1]] = Hash.new next end next if not /=/.match(line) m=/[\s]*([^\s]*)[\s]*=[\s]*([^\s]*)/.match(line) if m[1]=="include" Dir.glob(m[2]){ |fn| conf = readconfigfile(fn, conf) } else conf[section][m[1]] = m[2] end end file.close() return conf end ################################################################################ # reset_system # ################################################################################ def reset_system $sp.print("exit\r") sleep 0.1 $sp.print("exit\r") sleep 0.1 end ################################################################################ # init_system # ################################################################################ def init_system(test_prog) $sp.print("echo off \r") print("DBG i: " + "echo off \r"+"\n") if $debug sleep 0.1 $sp.print("#{test_prog}\r") print("DBG i: " + "#{test_prog} \r"+"\n") if $debug sleep 1 end ################################################################################ # screen_progress # ################################################################################ def screen_progress(v) if $linepos==0 printf("\n%5d [%04d]: ", $testno, $size) end putc((v)?('*'):('!')) $testno += 1 $linepos = ($linepos+1)%$linewidth end ################################################################################ # add_test # ################################################################################ def add_test(a,b) begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter a:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(a.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter b:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(b.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not m=/[\s]*([-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]+\+[\s]+([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]*=[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)/.match(line) a_ = m[1].to_i(16) b_ = m[2].to_i(16) c_ = m[3].to_i(16) line.chomp! if(a_== a && b_ == b && c_ == (a+b)) $logfile.printf("[pass]: %s\n", line) return true else $logfile.printf("[fail (%s%s%s)]: %s", (a==a_)?"":"a", (b==b_)?"":"b", (c_==a+b)?"":"c",line) $logfile.printf(" ; should %s + %s = %s\n", a.to_s(16), b.to_s(16), (a+b).to_s(16)) return false end return false end ################################################################################ # mul_test # ################################################################################ def mul_test(a,b) begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter a:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(a.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter b:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(b.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not m=/[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]+\*[\s]+([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]*=[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)/.match(line) a_ = m[1].to_i(16) b_ = m[2].to_i(16) c_ = m[3].to_i(16) line.chomp! if(a_== a && b_ == b && c_ == (a*b)) $logfile.printf("[pass]: %s\n", line) return true else $logfile.printf("[fail (%s%s%s)]: %s", (a==a_)?"":"a", (b==b_)?"":"b", (c_==a+b)?"":"c",line) $logfile.printf(" ; should %s * %s = %s\n", a.to_s(16), b.to_s(16), (a*b).to_s(16)) return false end return false end ################################################################################ # square_test # ################################################################################ def square_test(a) begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter a:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(a.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not m=/[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]*\*\*2[\s]*=[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)/.match(line) a_ = m[1].to_i(16) c_ = m[2].to_i(16) line.chomp! if(a_== a && c_ == (a**2)) $logfile.printf("[pass]: %s\n", line) return true else $logfile.printf("[fail (%s%s)]: %s", (a==a_)?"":"a", (c_==a**2)?"":"c",line) $logfile.printf(" ; should %s **2 = %s\n", a.to_s(16), (a**2).to_s(16)) return false end return false end ################################################################################ # reduce_test # ################################################################################ def reduce_test(a,b) begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter a:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(a.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not /[\s]*enter b:[\s]*/.match(line) $sp.print(b.to_s(16)+" ") begin line = $sp.gets() line = "" if line==nil puts("DBG got: "+line) if $debug if /^Error:.*/.match(line) puts line return false end end while not m=/[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]+%[\s]+([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)[\s]*=[\s]*([+-]?[0-9a-fA-F]*)/.match(line) a_ = m[1].to_i(16) b_ = m[2].to_i(16) c_ = m[3].to_i(16) line.chomp! if(a_== a && b_ == b && c_ == (a%b)) $logfile.printf("[pass]: %s\n", line) return true else $logfile.printf("[fail (%s%s%s)]: %s", (a==a_)?"":"a", (b==b_)?"":"b", (c_==a+b)?"":"c",line) $logfile.printf(" ; should %s %% %s = %s\n", a.to_s(16), b.to_s(16), (a%b).to_s(16)) return false end return false end ################################################################################ # run_test_add # ################################################################################ def run_test_add(skip=0) length_a_B = skip+1 length_b_B = skip+1 begin $size = length_a_B (0..16).each do |i| s_a = rand(2)*2-1 s_b = rand(2)*2-1 a = rand(256**length_a_B) * s_a b = rand(256**length_a_B) * s_b v = add_test(a, b) screen_progress(v) v = add_test(b, a) screen_progress(v) end (0..16).each do |i| s_a = rand(2)-1 s_b = rand(2)-1 b_size = rand(length_b_B+1) a = rand(256**length_a_B) * s_a b = rand(256**b_size) * s_b v = add_test(a, b) screen_progress(v) v = add_test(b, a) screen_progress(v) end length_a_B += 1 length_b_B += 1 end while length_a_B<4096/8 end ################################################################################ # run_test_mul # ################################################################################ def run_test_mul(skip=0) length_a_B = skip+1 length_b_B = skip+1 begin $size = length_a_B (0..16).each do |i| s_a = rand(2)*2-1 s_b = rand(2)*2-1 a = rand(256**length_a_B) * s_a b = rand(256**length_a_B) * s_b v = mul_test(a, b) screen_progress(v) v = mul_test(b, a) screen_progress(v) end (0..16).each do |i| s_a = rand(2)-1 s_b = rand(2)-1 b_size = rand(length_b_B+1) a = rand(256**length_a_B) * s_a b = rand(256**b_size) * s_b v = mul_test(a, b) screen_progress(v) v = mul_test(b, a) screen_progress(v) end length_a_B += 1 length_b_B += 1 end while length_a_B<4096/8 end ################################################################################ # run_test_square # ################################################################################ def run_test_square(skip=0) length_a_B = skip+1 begin $size = length_a_B (0..16).each do |i| a = rand(256**length_a_B) v = square_test(a) screen_progress(v) end length_a_B += 1 end while length_a_B<4096/8 end ################################################################################ # run_test_reduce # ################################################################################ def run_test_reduce(skip=0) length_a_B = skip+1 length_b_B = skip+1 begin $size = length_a_B (0..16).each do |i| a = rand(256**length_a_B) b = rand(256**length_a_B)+1 v = reduce_test(a, b) screen_progress(v) end (0..16).each do |i| b_size = rand(length_b_B+1) a = rand(256**length_a_B) b = rand(256**b_size)+1 v = reduce_test(a, b) screen_progress(v) end length_a_B += 1 length_b_B += 1 end while length_a_B<4096/8 end ################################################################################ # MAIN # ################################################################################ opts = Getopt::Std.getopts("s:f:i:a:hd") conf = Hash.new conf = readconfigfile("/etc/testport.conf", conf) conf = readconfigfile("~/.testport.conf", conf) conf = readconfigfile("testport.conf", conf) conf = readconfigfile(opts["f"], conf) if opts["f"] #puts conf.inspect puts("serial port interface version: " + SerialPort::VERSION); $linewidth = 64 $linepos = 0 $testno = 0 params = { "baud" => conf["PORT"]["baud"].to_i, "data_bits" => conf["PORT"]["databits"].to_i, "stop_bits" => conf["PORT"]["stopbits"].to_i, "parity" => SerialPort::NONE } params["paraty"] = SerialPort::ODD if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "odd" params["paraty"] = SerialPort::EVEN if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "even" params["paraty"] = SerialPort::MARK if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "mark" params["paraty"] = SerialPort::SPACE if conf["PORT"]["paraty"].downcase == "space" puts("\nPort: "+conf["PORT"]["port"]+"@" + params["baud"].to_s + " " + params["data_bits"].to_s + conf["PORT"]["paraty"][0,1].upcase + params["stop_bits"].to_s + "\n") $sp = SerialPort.new(conf["PORT"]["port"], params) $sp.read_timeout=1000; # 5 minutes $sp.flow_control = SerialPort::SOFT reset_system() if opts['d'] $debug = true end logfilename = conf['PORT']['testlogbase']+'bigint.txt' if File.exists?(logfilename) i=1 begin logfilename = sprintf('%s%04d%s', conf['PORT']['testlogbase']+'bigint_',i,'.txt') i+=1 end while(File.exists?(logfilename)) while(i>2) do File.move(sprintf('%s%04d%s', conf['PORT']['testlogbase']+'bigint_',i-2,'.txt'), sprintf('%s%04d%s', conf['PORT']['testlogbase']+'bigint_',i-1,'.txt'), true) i-=1 end File.move(sprintf('%s%s', conf['PORT']['testlogbase'],'bigint.txt'), sprintf('%s%04d%s', conf['PORT']['testlogbase']+'bigint_',1,'.txt'), true) logfilename = conf['PORT']['testlogbase']+'bigint.txt' end $logfile = File.open(logfilename, 'w') printf("logfile: %s\n", logfilename) $logfile.printf("bigint test from: %s\n", Time.now.to_s) $logfile.printf("skip = %s\n", opts['s']) if opts['s'] $logfile.printf("seed = 0x%X\n", 0xdeadbeef) tests = Hash.new tests['a'] = proc {|x| run_test_add(x) } tests['m'] = proc {|x| run_test_mul(x) } tests['s'] = proc {|x| run_test_square(x) } tests['r'] = proc {|x| run_test_reduce(x) } init_str = Hash.new init_str['a'] = 'add-test' init_str['m'] = 'mul-test' init_str['s'] = 'square-test' init_str['r'] = 'reduce-test' srand(0xdeadbeef) if opts['a'] opts['a'].each_char do |x| if tests[x] puts init_str[x] init_system(init_str[x]) tests[x].call(opts['s']?opts['s'].to_i():0) else puts "no test defiened for '#{x}'" end end else 'amsr'.each_char do |x| if tests[x] puts init_str[x] init_system(init_str[x]) tests[x].call(opts['s']?opts['s'].to_i():0) else puts "no test defiened for '#{x}'" end end end $logile.close()