#!/usr/bin/ruby # performance to wiki =begin This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib. Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =end =begin === Twister-256 performance === type: hash hashsize (bits): 256 ctxsize (bytes): 80 blocksize (bits): 512 init (cycles): 425 nextBlock (cycles): 36535 lastBlock (cycles): 8071 ctx2hash (cycles): 19431 text data bss dec hex filename 6801 32 0 6833 1ab1 bin/bmw_c/bmw_small.o =end def get_size_string(impl, algo) fmap = File.open('algo_implementation/'+impl+'.algos', 'r') fsize = File.open('size_log/'+impl+'.size', 'r') modules = nil while l=fmap.gets if m=l.match(/^([^:]*):(.*)$/) if m[1] == algo modules = m[2].split(' ') end end end if modules==nil puts("ERROR: no module list found for #{impl}/#{algo} !") return nil end fmap.close() str = '' sum = 0 lb = fsize.gets() while lb = fsize.gets() m = lb.match(/[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*([\w_\/-]*)/) name = m[6]+'.o' if modules.include?(name) str += "
\n" + name+': '+m[4] sum += m[4].to_i end end fsize.close() return sum end def process_hashfunction(fin, name, impl) lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/hashsize \(bits\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) if(!m) printf("unexpected string %s\n", lb) end hashsize = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/ctxsize \(bytes\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) ctxsize = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/blocksize \(bits\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) blocksize = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/init \(cycles\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) inittime = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/nextBlock \(cycles\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) nextblocktime = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/lastBlock \(cycles\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) lastblocktime = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/ctx2hash \(cycles\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) convtime = m[1].to_i() begin lb = fin.readline() end until m = lb.match(/init \(bytes\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) initstack = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/nextBlock \(bytes\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) nextblockstack = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/lastBlock \(bytes\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) lastblockstack = m[1].to_i() lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/ctx2hash \(bytes\):[\s]*([\d]*)/) convstack = m[1].to_i() s1 = (initstack>nextblockstack)?initstack:nextblockstack s2 = (lastblockstack>convstack)?lastblockstack:convstack stack = (s1>s2)?s1:s2 size = get_size_string(impl, name) printf("| %20s || %3s || %3s || %6d || %7d || %7d || %7d || %7d ||" + " %7d || %7d || %9.2f || %7d || || || \n|-\n" , name, $lang, $lang, size, ctxsize, stack, hashsize, blocksize, inittime, nextblocktime, nextblocktime.to_f/(blocksize/8), lastblocktime+convtime) end $handlers = Hash.new $handlers.default = 0 $handlers["hashfunction"] = 1 #process_hashfunction def process_file(fname) fin = File.open(fname, "r") $lang = "asm" $lang = "C" if fname.match(/_c.txt$/) impl = fname.match(/([^.]*).txt$/)[1] begin begin if fin.eof() return end lb = fin.readline() end while !m=lb.match(/=== (.*) performance ===/) name = m[1]; lb = fin.readline() m = lb.match(/type:[\s]*([\w]*)/) type = m[1] if $handlers[type] != 0 # handlers[type](fin, name) process_hashfunction(fin, name, impl) else printf("ERROR: unsupported type: %s !\n", type) end end while(true) fin.close() end for i in (0..ARGV.size-1) process_file(ARGV[i]) end