
180 lines
4.9 KiB

\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
@c %**start of header
@setfilename acl-manual.info
@settitle AVR/ARM-Crypto-Lib Manual 1.0
@c %**end of header
This is a short example of a complete Texinfo file.
Copyright © 2006-2015 Daniel Otte (@email{daniel.otte@@rub.de})
@end copying
@title AVR/ARM-Crypto-Lib Manual 1.0
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
@end titlepage
@c Output the table of the contents at the beginning.
@node Top
@top GNU Sample
@end ifnottex
@chapter About
This documentation is a guide to the AVR-Crypto-Lib and ARM-Crypto-Lib.
Instead of documenting the full API and each function we choose the approach
of documenting the structure of the API so you know what to do when you want
to use the library.
@chapter Generic stuff
@section Requirements
You should have the following software tools to build the library, the version
mentioned is the version used on the test system, older or newer versions may
or may not work):
@table @asis
@item a recent toolchain
for AVR targets:
@table @asis
@item gcc for AVR (avr-gcc)
@item GNU binutils for AVR
@item avr-libc
@end table
for ARM targets:
@table @asis
@item gcc for ARM (arm-elf-gcc)
@item GNU binutils for ARM
@item newlib with enabled malloc()
@end table
@item a flash tool to program your device
for AVR targets:
@table @asis
@item avrdude
@end table
for ARM targets:
@table @asis
@item openocd
@end table
@item GNU make
@item ruby (for the testing system)
@table @asis
@item rubygems
@item serialport
@item getopt
@end table
@end table
@section File organisation
@section Build process
The build process is managed by a large relative complex @file{Makefile} and
a bunch of more specific Makefile-stubs (@file{*.mk} in the @file{mkfiles}
@subsection make-stubs
All stubs are included by the main Makefile automatically, so the addition of
algorithms should not require modifications to the Makefile.
Because all stubs are included by the main Makefile you can use all features
of your make system when writing them. Currently we use GNU make and we
recommend using GNU make when building the crypto library.
Each algorithm implementation has its own stub. A stub looks like the following:
# Makefile for AES
# comment out the following line for removement of AES from the build process
$(ALGO_NAME)_DIR := aes/
$(ALGO_NAME)_INCDIR := gf256mul/ bcal/
$(ALGO_NAME)_OBJ := aes_enc.o aes_dec.o aes_sbox.o aes_invsbox.o \
aes_keyschedule.o gf256mul.o aes128_enc.o aes128_dec.o
$(ALGO_NAME)_TEST_BIN := main-aes128-test.o $(CLI_STD) $(BCAL_STD) \
$(ALGO_NAME)_NESSIE_TEST := test nessie
@end verbatim
The most important thing is defining an unambiguous name for the implementation,
in this case it is AES128_C.
The next step is chaining the implementation into a category. Uncategorized
implementations will be ignored. So if you want to exclude an implementation
from the build process you can simply comment out the line which chains it into
a category.
The following lines declare ''Attributes'' of the implementation.
@table @var
@item _DIR
defines the directory where the implementation resides
@item _INCDIR
defines directorys to search for additional files
@item _OBJ
defines the names of the objects which shoud be considered the implementations
@item _TESTBIN
defines the names of the objects required to build the test suit
(currently unused) defines the string which should be send to the test system
to perform nessie standard tests
(currently unused) defines the string which should be send to the test system
to perform a performance tests
@item _DEF
defines macros to use while compiling
@end table
@section Testing system
@section Sizes in bits and bytes
Working with cryptographic functions involves working with different
lengths. Some times you want to know it in bits, sometimes in bytes and another
time in words (how long a word is must be defined by the context).
To reduce confusion, frustration and to avoid bugs we suffix a length
parameter with either _b, _B or _w depending on the meaning.
_b means in bits and _B means in bytes (big b big word) and _w meaning words.
@chapter Symmetric primitives
@include acl_keysizes.texi
@include acl_blockciphers.texi
@section Modes of operation
@include acl_streamciphers.texi
@include acl_hashes.texi
@section MAC functions
@section Pseudo random number generators (PRNGs)
@chapter Encodings
@section Base64
@section ASN.1
@chapter Big integer functions
@chapter Asymmetric Primitives
@section DSA
@section RSA
@section El-Gamal
@section MQQ