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2015-07-01 22:23:31 +00:00
-- Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Otte <>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
2015-09-19 18:07:46 +00:00
with Crypto_Types; use Crypto_Types;
use Crypto_Types.Crypto_Utils_u32;
use Crypto_Types.Crypto_Utils_u64;
2015-07-01 22:23:31 +00:00
package body SHA2_Small is
K : constant u32_Array(1 .. 64) :=
16#428a2f98#, 16#71374491#, 16#b5c0fbcf#, 16#e9b5dba5#, 16#3956c25b#, 16#59f111f1#, 16#923f82a4#, 16#ab1c5ed5#,
16#d807aa98#, 16#12835b01#, 16#243185be#, 16#550c7dc3#, 16#72be5d74#, 16#80deb1fe#, 16#9bdc06a7#, 16#c19bf174#,
16#e49b69c1#, 16#efbe4786#, 16#0fc19dc6#, 16#240ca1cc#, 16#2de92c6f#, 16#4a7484aa#, 16#5cb0a9dc#, 16#76f988da#,
16#983e5152#, 16#a831c66d#, 16#b00327c8#, 16#bf597fc7#, 16#c6e00bf3#, 16#d5a79147#, 16#06ca6351#, 16#14292967#,
16#27b70a85#, 16#2e1b2138#, 16#4d2c6dfc#, 16#53380d13#, 16#650a7354#, 16#766a0abb#, 16#81c2c92e#, 16#92722c85#,
16#a2bfe8a1#, 16#a81a664b#, 16#c24b8b70#, 16#c76c51a3#, 16#d192e819#, 16#d6990624#, 16#f40e3585#, 16#106aa070#,
16#19a4c116#, 16#1e376c08#, 16#2748774c#, 16#34b0bcb5#, 16#391c0cb3#, 16#4ed8aa4a#, 16#5b9cca4f#, 16#682e6ff3#,
16#748f82ee#, 16#78a5636f#, 16#84c87814#, 16#8cc70208#, 16#90befffa#, 16#a4506ceb#, 16#bef9a3f7#, 16#c67178f2#
function Ch(x, y, z : u32) return u32 is
return (x and y) xor ((not x) and z);
end Ch;
function Maj(x, y, z : u32) return u32 is
return (x and y) xor (x and z) xor (y and z);
end Maj;
function Sigma_A0(x : u32) return u32 is
return Rotate_Right(x, 2) xor Rotate_Right(x, 13) xor Rotate_Right(x, 22);
end Sigma_A0;
function Sigma_A1(x : u32) return u32 is
return Rotate_Right(x, 6) xor Rotate_Right(x, 11) xor Rotate_Right(x, 25);
end Sigma_A1;
function Sigma_B0(x : u32) return u32 is
return Rotate_Right(x, 7) xor Rotate_Right(x, 18) xor Shift_Right(x, 3);
end Sigma_B0;
function Sigma_B1(x : u32) return u32 is
return Rotate_Right(x, 17) xor Rotate_Right(x, 19) xor Shift_Right(x, 10);
end Sigma_B1;
procedure Next_Block(Context : in out Context_T; Block : in Block_512_Bit) is
W : u32_Array(1 .. 16) := Load_BE(Block);
T1, T2, Wx : u32;
A : u32_Array(1 .. 8) := Context.H;
for i in 1 .. 64 loop
if i > 16 then
Wx := Sigma_B1(W(15)) + W(10) + Sigma_B0(W(2)) + W(1);
W(1 .. 15) := W(2 .. 16);
W(16) := Wx;
Wx := W(i);
end if;
T1 := A(8) + Sigma_A1(A(5)) + Ch(A(5), A(6), A(7)) + K(i) + Wx;
T2 := Sigma_A0(A(1)) + Maj(A(1), A(2), A(3));
A(2 .. 8) := A(1 .. 7);
A(5) := A(5) + T1;
A(1) := T1 + T2;
end loop;
Context.H := Context.H + A;
Context.Counter := Context.Counter + 1;
end Next_Block;
procedure Last_Block(Context : in out Context_T; Block : in u8_Array; Bits : in Integer := -1) is
c : u64 := u64(Context.Counter * 512);
s : Integer := Bits;
b : Block_512_Bit := (others => 0);
i : Integer := Block'First;
r : Natural;
if s < 0 or else s > Block'Length * 8 then
s := Block'Length * 8;
end if;
c := u64(Integer(c) + s);
while s >= 512 loop
Next_Block(Context, Block(i .. i + 63));
i := i + 64;
s := s - 512;
end loop;
r := (s + 7) / 8;
b(1 .. r) := Block(i .. i + r - 1);
b(1 + s / 8) := b(1 + s / 8) or Shift_Right(u8(16#80#), s mod 8);
2015-07-10 09:32:32 +00:00
s := s + 1;
if s > 512 - 64 then
2015-07-01 22:23:31 +00:00
Next_Block(Context, b);
b := (others => 0);
end if;
Store_BE(b(57 .. 64), c);
Next_Block(Context, b);
end Last_Block;
end SHA2_Small;