# You may edit this makefile as long as you keep these original # target names defined. You can change the recipes and/or add new targets. # Not intended for manual invocation. # Invoked if automatic builds are enabled. # Analyzes only on those sources that have changed. # Does not build executables. autobuild: $(GNATMAKE) -gnatc -c -k -d -P "$(GPRPATH)" # Clean the root project of all build products. clean: $(GNATCLEAN) -P "$(GPRPATH)" # Clean root project and all imported projects too. clean_tree: $(GNATCLEAN) -P "$(GPRPATH)" -r # Check project sources for errors. # Does not build executables. analyze: $(GNATMAKE) -d -gnatc -c -k -P "$(GPRPATH)" # Build executables for all mains defined by the project. build: $(GNATMAKE) -d -P "$(GPRPATH)" # Clean, then build executables for all mains defined by the project. rebuild: clean build # Compile individual file. compile_file: $(GNATMAKE) -d -ws -c -u -P "$(GPRPATH)" "$(FILE)" # Analyze individual file (no object code generated). analyze_file: $(GNATMAKE) -d -q -c -gnatc -u -P "$(GPRPATH)" "$(FILE)"