with Interfaces; use Interfaces; package Crypto_Core_Types is type u8 is new Unsigned_8; for u8'Size use 8; type u16 is new Unsigned_16; for u16'Size use 16; type u32 is new Unsigned_32; for u32'Size use 32; type u64 is new Unsigned_64; for u64'Size use 64; type u8_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u8; type u16_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u16; type u32_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u32; type u64_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u64; type u8_Array_Access is access all u8_Array; type u16_Array_Access is access all u16_Array; type u32_Array_Access is access all u32_Array; type u64_Array_Access is access all u64_Array; end Crypto_Core_Types;