-- Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Otte -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Crypto_Core_Types; use Crypto_Core_Types; with Crypto_Types; use Crypto_Types.Crypto_Utils_u8; with Pi32Cipher_Spec; procedure Test_Pi32Cipher is package PiCipher renames Pi32Cipher_Spec; type Arcfour_SBox_T is array (u8) of u8; type Arcfour_Context_T is record S : Arcfour_SBox_T; I : u8; J : u8; end record; Prng : Arcfour_Context_T; procedure Initialize_Prng(Key : in u8_Array) is j : u8 := 0; begin for i in u8'Range loop Prng.S(i) := i; end loop; for i in u8'Range loop j := j + Prng.S(i) + Key(Key'First + Integer(i) mod Key'Length); Swap(Prng.S(i), Prng.S(j)); end loop; Prng.I := 0; Prng.J := 0; end; function Random_Byte return u8 is begin Prng.I := Prng.I + 1; Prng.J := Prng.J + Prng.S(Prng.I); Swap(Prng.S(Prng.I), Prng.S(Prng.J)); return Prng.S(Prng.S(Prng.I) + Prng.S(Prng.J)); end; procedure Random_Fill(Data : out u8_Array) is begin for i in Data'Range loop Data(i) := Random_Byte; end loop; end; procedure Print_Item(Label : in String; Data : in u8_Array) is begin Put_Line(Label & " (" & Trim(Source => Integer'Image(Data'Length), Side => Both) & ") = " & To_Hex(A => Data, Upper_Case => True)); end; procedure Single_Testvector(Msg : in u8_Array; AD : in u8_Array; Secret_Nonce : in u8_Array; Public_Nonce : in u8_Array; Key : in u8_Array) is Msg_Check : u8_Array(Msg'Range); Smn_Check : PiCipher.Block_T; Is_Valid : Boolean; Crypt : constant u8_Array := PiCipher.Encrypt(Msg => Msg, AD => AD, Public_Nonce => Public_Nonce, Secret_Nonce => Secret_Nonce, Key => Key); begin Print_Item("KEY", Key); Print_Item("NPUB", Public_Nonce); Print_Item("NSEC", Secret_Nonce); Print_Item("MSG", Msg); Print_Item("AD", AD); Print_Item("CIPHER", Crypt); PiCipher.Decrypt(Is_Valid => Is_Valid, Msg => Msg_Check, Secret_Nonce => Smn_Check, Cipher => Crypt, AD => AD, Public_Nonce => Public_Nonce, Key => Key); if not Is_Valid then Put_Line("! Error: verification failed!"); end if; New_Line; end; procedure Testvectors(Key_Length : in Natural; Public_Nonce_Length : in Natural) is Msg : u8_Array(1 .. 3 * PiCipher.Block_Bytes / 2); AD : u8_Array(1 .. 3 * PiCipher.Block_Bytes / 2); Public_Nonce : u8_Array(1 .. Public_Nonce_Length); Secret_Nonce : u8_Array(1 .. PiCipher.Secret_Message_Number_Bytes); Key : u8_Array(1 .. Key_Length); Counter : Positive := 1; begin declare Key_Bits : constant String := Trim(Source => Integer'Image(Key_Length * 8), Side => Both); Seed : constant String := PiCipher.Cipher_Name & ((3 - Key_Bits'Length) * "0") & Key_Bits & "v2 (" & Trim(Source => Integer'Image(Public_Nonce_Length), Side => Both) & " byte nonce)"; begin Initialize_Prng(From_Ascii(Seed)); end; for Msg_Len in 0 .. Msg'Last loop for AD_Len in 0 .. AD'Last loop Put_Line("[msg_len = " & Trim(Integer'Image(Msg_Len), Both) & "]"); Put_Line("[ad_len = " & Trim(Integer'Image(AD_Len), Both) & "]"); New_Line; for i in 1 .. 8 loop Put_Line("[vector #" & Trim(Integer'Image(Counter), Both) & " (" & Trim(Integer'Image(i), Both) & ")]"); Counter := Counter + 1; Random_Fill(Key); Random_Fill(Public_Nonce); Random_Fill(Secret_Nonce); Random_Fill(AD(1 .. AD_Len)); Random_Fill(Msg(1 .. Msg_Len)); Single_Testvector(Msg => Msg(1 .. Msg_Len), AD => AD(1 .. AD_Len), Secret_Nonce => Secret_Nonce, Public_Nonce => Public_Nonce, Key => Key); end loop; end loop; end loop; end; Key_Sizes : constant array (1 .. 2) of Natural := ( 128, 256 ); Public_Nonce_Length : constant := 16; File : File_Type; begin for i in Key_Sizes'Range loop Create(File => File, Name => "testvectors/pi-cipher/" & PiCipher.Cipher_Name & Trim(Integer'Image(Key_Sizes(i)), Both) & "_" & Trim(Integer'Image(Public_Nonce_Length), Both) & ".test-vectors", Mode => Out_File); Set_Output(File); Put_Line("# Testvectors for " & PiCipher.Cipher_Name); Put_Line("# key size: " & Trim(Integer'Image(Key_Sizes(i)), Both) & " bits"); Put_Line("# nonce size: " & Trim(Integer'Image(Public_Nonce_Length * 8), Both) & " bits"); New_Line; Testvectors(Key_Sizes(i) / 8, Public_Nonce_Length); Close(File); Set_Output(Standard_Output); end loop; end Test_Pi32Cipher;