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-- Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Otte <>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
package Crypto_Core_Types is
type u8 is new Unsigned_8;
for u8'Size use 8;
type u16 is new Unsigned_16;
for u16'Size use 16;
type u32 is new Unsigned_32;
for u32'Size use 32;
type u64 is new Unsigned_64;
for u64'Size use 64;
type u8_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u8;
type u16_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u16;
type u32_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u32;
type u64_Array is Array (Integer range <>) of u64;
type u8_Array_Access is access all u8_Array;
type u16_Array_Access is access all u16_Array;
type u32_Array_Access is access all u32_Array;
type u64_Array_Access is access all u64_Array;
subtype Block_64_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 64 / 8);
subtype Block_96_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 96 / 8);
subtype Block_128_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 128 / 8);
subtype Block_160_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 160 / 8);
subtype Block_168_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 168 / 8);
subtype Block_192_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 192 / 8);
subtype Block_224_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 224 / 8);
subtype Block_256_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 256 / 8);
subtype Block_384_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 384 / 8);
subtype Block_512_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 512 / 8);
subtype Block_768_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 768 / 8);
subtype Block_1024_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 1024 / 8);
subtype Block_1536_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 1536 / 8);
subtype Block_2084_Bit is u8_Array(1 .. 2048 / 8);
Wrong_Opertaion_Order : exception;
Format_Violation : exception;
function To_Hex(A : u8_Array) return String;
function From_Hex(S : String) return u8_Array;
function From_Ascii(S : String) return u8_Array;
end Crypto_Core_Types;