
672 lines
21 KiB

-- Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Otte <>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- ----------------------------------
-- - Generic Functions / Procedures -
-- ----------------------------------
-- --------------------------
-- - Functions / Procedures -
-- --------------------------
package body Crypto_Generic_Utils is
-- compare two array with timing independent of content
-- function "="(Left, Right : T_Array ) return Boolean is
-- x : T := 0;
-- begin
-- if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
-- return false;
-- end if;
-- for i in Left'Range loop
-- x := x or (Left(i) xor Right(i));
-- end loop;
-- if x = 0 then
-- return true;
-- else
-- return false;
-- end if;
-- end "=";
-- xor each element on the left with the corresponding element on the right
function "xor"(Left, Right : T_Array ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) xor Right(Right'First - Left'First + i);
end loop;
return r;
end "xor";
-- procedure eor (Left : in out T_Array; Right : in T_Array) is
-- begin
-- if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
-- raise Constraint_Error;
-- end if;
-- for i in Left'Range loop
-- Left(i) := Left(i) xor Right(i);
-- end loop;
-- end eor;
-- xor the left element with each element on the right
function "xor"(Left : T; Right : T_Array ) return T is
r : T := Left;
for i in Right'Range loop
r := r xor Right(i);
end loop;
return r;
end "xor";
-- xor each element on the left with the element on the right
function "xor"(Left : T_Array; Right : T ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) xor Right;
end loop;
return r;
end "xor";
-- and each element on the left with the corresponding element on the right
function "and"(Left, Right : T_Array ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) and Right(Right'First - Left'First + i);
end loop;
return r;
end "and";
-- and the left element with each element on the right
function "and"(Left : T; Right : T_Array ) return T is
r : T := Left;
for i in Right'Range loop
r := r and Right(i);
end loop;
return r;
end "and";
-- and each element on the left with the element on the right
function "and"(Left : T_Array; Right : T ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) and Right;
end loop;
return r;
end "and";
-- or each element on the left with the corresponding element on the right
function "or"(Left, Right : T_Array ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) or Right(Right'First - Left'First + i);
end loop;
return r;
end "or";
-- or the left element with each element on the right
function "or"(Left : T; Right : T_Array ) return T is
r : T := Left;
for i in Right'Range loop
r := r or Right(i);
end loop;
return r;
end "or";
-- or each element on the left with the element on the right
function "or"(Left : T_Array; Right : T ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) or Right;
end loop;
return r;
end "or";
-- add each element on the left with the corresponding element on the right
function "+"(Left, Right : T_Array ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) + Right(Right'First - Left'First + i);
end loop;
return r;
end "+";
-- add the left element with each element on the right
function "+"(Left : T; Right : T_Array ) return T is
r : T := Left;
for i in Right'Range loop
r := r + Right(i);
end loop;
return r;
end "+";
-- add each element on the left with the element on the right
function "+"(Left : T_Array; Right : T ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) + Right;
end loop;
return r;
end "+";
-- subtract from each element on the left the corresponding element on the right
function "-"(Left, Right : T_Array ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) - Right(Right'First - Left'First + i);
end loop;
return r;
end "-";
-- subtract from the left element each element on the right
function "-"(Left : T; Right : T_Array ) return T is
r : T := Left;
for i in Right'Range loop
r := r - Right(i);
end loop;
return r;
end "-";
-- subtract from each element on the left the element on the right
function "-"(Left : T_Array; Right : T ) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(Left'Range);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Left(i) - Right;
end loop;
return r;
end "-";
-- procedure Rotate_Array_Left(A : T_Array_Access; Amount : Natural) is
-- b : T;
-- begin
-- for i in 1 .. Amount loop
-- b := A(A'First);
-- for j in A'First .. A'Last - 1 loop
-- A(j) := A(j + 1);
-- end loop;
-- A(A'Last) := b;
-- end loop;
-- end;
function Rotate_Array_Left(A : T_Array; Amount : Natural) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
x : Integer;
x := Amount mod r'Length;
if A'Length < 1 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
r(r'First .. r'Last - x) := A(A'First + x .. A'Last);
r(r'Last - x + 1 .. r'Last) := A(A'First .. A'First + x - 1);
return r;
end Rotate_Array_Left;
function Rotate_Array_Right(A : T_Array; Amount : Natural) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
x : Integer;
x := Amount mod r'Length;
if A'Length < 1 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
r(r'First + x .. r'Last) := A(A'First .. A'Last - x);
r(r'First .. r'First + x - 1) := A(A'Last - x + 1 .. A'Last);
return r;
end Rotate_Array_Right;
function Shift_Array_Left(A : T_Array; Amount : Natural) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
x : Integer;
x := Amount mod r'Length;
if A'Length < 1 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
r(r'First .. r'Last - x) := A(A'First + x .. A'Last);
for i in (r'Last - x + 1) .. r'Last loop
r(i) := 0;
end loop;
return r;
end Shift_Array_Left;
function Shift_Array_Right(A : T_Array; Amount : Natural) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
x : Integer;
x := Amount mod r'Length;
if A'Length < 1 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
r(r'First + x .. r'Last) := A(A'First .. A'Last - x);
for i in r'First .. (r'First + x - 1) loop
r(i) := 0;
end loop;
return r;
end Shift_Array_Right;
-- rotate the whole Array as continues big-endian integer; positive Amount rotates left (towards lower address)
function Rotate_be(A : T_Array; Amount : Integer) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
c1, c2, tmp : T;
x : Integer;
word_rot : Integer;
bit_rot : Integer;
reverse_bit_rot : Integer;
x := Amount mod (A'Length * T'Size);
word_rot := x / T'Size;
bit_rot := x mod T'Size;
if word_rot > 0 then
r := Rotate_Array_Left(A => A, Amount => Natural(abs word_rot));
r := Rotate_Array_Right(A => A, Amount => Natural(word_rot));
end if;
-- if bit rotation goes to the left
if bit_rot > 0 then
reverse_bit_rot := T'Size - bit_rot;
c1 := Shift_Right(r(r'First), reverse_bit_rot);
for i in reverse r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Right(r(i), reverse_bit_rot);
tmp := Shift_Left(r(i), bit_rot);
r(i) := tmp or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
-- if bit rotation goes to the right
if bit_rot < 0 then
bit_rot := -bit_rot;
reverse_bit_rot := T'Size - bit_rot;
c1 := Shift_Left(r(r'Last), reverse_bit_rot);
for i in r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Left(r(i), reverse_bit_rot);
tmp := Shift_Right(r(i), bit_rot);
r(i) := tmp or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
return r;
end Rotate_be;
-- rotate the whole Array as continues little-endian integer; positive Amount rotates left (towards higher address)
function Rotate_le(A : T_Array; Amount : Integer) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
c1, c2, tmp : T;
x : Integer;
word_rot : Integer;
bit_rot : Integer;
reverse_bit_rot : Integer;
x := Amount mod (A'Length * T'Size);
word_rot := x / T'Size;
bit_rot := x mod T'Size;
if word_rot < 0 then
r := Rotate_Array_Left(A => A, Amount => Natural(abs word_rot));
r := Rotate_Array_Right(A => A, Amount => Natural(word_rot));
end if;
-- if bit rotation goes to the left
if bit_rot > 0 then
reverse_bit_rot := T'Size - bit_rot;
c1 := Shift_Right(r(r'Last), reverse_bit_rot);
for i in r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Right(r(i), reverse_bit_rot);
tmp := Shift_Left(r(i), bit_rot);
r(i) := tmp or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
-- if bit rotation goes to the right
if bit_rot < 0 then
bit_rot := -bit_rot;
reverse_bit_rot := T'Size - bit_rot;
c1 := Shift_Left(r(r'First), reverse_bit_rot);
for i in reverse r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Left(r(i), reverse_bit_rot);
tmp := Shift_Right(r(i), bit_rot);
r(i) := tmp or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
return r;
end Rotate_le;
-- rotate each element by Amount to the left; negative values for Amount rotate to the right
function Rotate_each(A : T_Array; Amount : Integer) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
if Amount > 0 then
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Rotate_Left(A(i), Natural(Amount));
end loop;
end if;
if Amount < 0 then
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Rotate_Right(A(i), Natural(-Amount));
end loop;
end if;
if Amount = 0 then
r := A;
end if;
return r;
end Rotate_each;
-- shift the whole Array as continues big-endian integer; positive Amount shifts left (towards lower address)
function Shift_be(A : T_Array; Amount : Integer) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
word_shift : Integer;
bit_shift : Integer;
reverse_bit_shift : Integer;
c1, c2 : T := 0;
-- left shift
if Amount > 0 then
word_shift := Amount / T'Size;
bit_shift := Amount mod T'Size;
reverse_bit_shift := T'Size - bit_shift;
r := Shift_Array_Left(A => A, Amount => word_shift);
for i in reverse r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Right(Value => r(i), Amount => reverse_bit_shift);
r(i) := Shift_Left(Value => r(i), Amount => bit_shift) or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
-- right shift
if Amount < 0 then
word_shift := (-Amount) / T'Size;
bit_shift := (-Amount) mod T'Size;
reverse_bit_shift := T'Size - bit_shift;
r := Shift_Array_Right(A => A, Amount => word_shift);
for i in r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Left(Value => r(i), Amount => reverse_bit_shift);
r(i) := Shift_Right(Value => r(i), Amount => bit_shift) or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
if Amount = 0 then
r := A;
end if;
return r;
end Shift_be;
-- Shift the whole Array as continues little-endian integer; positive Amount shifts left (towards higher address)
function Shift_le(A : T_Array; Amount : Integer) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
word_shift : Integer;
bit_shift : Integer;
reverse_bit_shift : Integer;
c1, c2 : T := 0;
-- left shift
if Amount > 0 then
word_shift := Amount / T'Size;
bit_shift := Amount mod T'Size;
reverse_bit_shift := T'Size - bit_shift;
r := Shift_Array_Right(A => A, Amount => word_shift);
for i in r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Right(Value => r(i), Amount => reverse_bit_shift);
r(i) := Shift_Left(Value => r(i), Amount => bit_shift) or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
-- right shift
if Amount < 0 then
word_shift := (-Amount) / T'Size;
bit_shift := (-Amount) mod T'Size;
reverse_bit_shift := T'Size - bit_shift;
r := Shift_Array_Left(A => A, Amount => word_shift);
for i in reverse r'Range loop
c2 := Shift_Left(Value => r(i), Amount => reverse_bit_shift);
r(i) := Shift_Right(Value => r(i), Amount => bit_shift) or c1;
c1 := c2;
end loop;
end if;
if Amount = 0 then
r := A;
end if;
return r;
end Shift_le;
-- shift each element by Amount to the left; negative values for Amount shift to the right
function Shift_each(A : T_Array; Amount : Integer) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(A'Range);
if Amount > 0 then
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Shift_Left(A(i), Natural(Amount));
end loop;
end if;
if Amount < 0 then
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Shift_Right(A(i), Natural(-Amount));
end loop;
end if;
if Amount = 0 then
r := A;
end if;
return r;
end Shift_each;
-- load a value which is stored big-endian in byte Array
function Load_BE(A : u8_Array) return T is
r : T := 0;
for i in 0 .. (T'Size / 8 - 1) loop
r := Shift_left(r, 8) or T(A(A'First + i));
end loop;
return r;
end Load_BE;
-- XXX load a value which is stored big-endian in byte Array
function Load_BE(A : u8_Array) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(1 .. (A'Length * 8 + T'Size - 1) / T'Size);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Load_BE(A(((i - 1) * Bytes + A'First) .. ((i - 1) * Bytes + Bytes + A'First - 1))) ;
end loop;
return r;
end Load_BE;
-- load a value which is stored little-endian in byte Array
function Load_LE (A : u8_Array) return T is
r : T := 0;
for i in reverse 0 .. (T'Size / 8 - 1) loop
r := Shift_left(r, 8) or T(A(A'First + i));
end loop;
return r;
end Load_LE;
-- XXX load a value which is stored big-endian in byte Array
function Load_LE(A : u8_Array) return T_Array is
r : T_Array(1 .. (A'Length * 8 + T'Size - 1) / T'Size);
for i in r'Range loop
r(i) := Load_LE(A(((i - 1) * Bytes + A'First) .. ((i - 1) * Bytes + Bytes + A'First - 1))) ;
end loop;
return r;
end Load_LE;
-- store a value in big-endian format in a byte Array
procedure Store_BE(A : out u8_Array; value : in T) is
x : T := value;
b : u8;
for i in reverse 0 .. (T'Size / 8 - 1) loop
b := u8(x and 16#FF#);
A(A'FIrst + i) := b;
x := Shift_Right(x, 8);
end loop;
end Store_BE;
-- XXX store a value in big-endian format in a byte Array
procedure Store_BE(A : out u8_Array; value : in T_Array) is
for i in value'Range loop
Store_BE(A(((i - value'First) * Bytes + A'First) .. ((i - value'First) * Bytes + A'First) + Bytes - 1), value(i));
end loop;
end Store_BE;
-- store a value in little-endian format in a byte Array
procedure Store_LE(A : out u8_Array; value : in T) is
x : T := value;
b : u8;
for i in 0 .. (T'Size / 8 - 1) loop
b := u8(x and 16#FF#);
A(A'FIrst + i) := b;
x := Shift_Right(x, 8);
end loop;
end Store_LE;
-- XXX store a value in big-endian format in a byte Array
procedure Store_LE(A : out u8_Array; value : in T_Array) is
for i in value'Range loop
Store_LE(A(((i - value'First) * Bytes + A'First) .. ((i - value'First) * Bytes + A'First) + Bytes - 1), value(i));
end loop;
end Store_LE;
function Bit_Get(A : in T; Bit_Address : Bit_Address_T; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) return Bit is
use System;
Temp : T;
if Order = High_Order_First then
Temp := Shift_Right(A, T'Size - Bit_Address - 1);
Temp := Shift_Right(A, Bit_Address);
end if;
return Bit(Temp and 1);
end Bit_Get;
procedure Bit_Clear(A : in out T; Bit_Address : Bit_Address_T; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) is
use System;
if Order = High_Order_First then
A := A and not Shift_Left(1, T'Size - Bit_Address - 1);
A := A and not Shift_Left(1, Bit_Address);
end if;
end Bit_Clear;
procedure Bit_Set(A : in out T; Bit_Address : Bit_Address_T; Value : Bit := 1; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) is
use System;
if Value = 0 then
Bit_Clear(A => A, Bit_Address => Bit_Address, Order => Order);
if Order = High_Order_First then
A := A or Shift_Left(1, T'Size - Bit_Address - 1);
A := A or Shift_Left(1, Bit_Address);
end if;
end if;
end Bit_Set;
procedure Bit_Toggle(A : in out T; Bit_Address : Bit_Address_T; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) is
use System;
if Order = High_Order_First then
A := A xor Shift_Left(1, T'Size - Bit_Address - 1);
A := A xor Shift_Left(1, Bit_Address);
end if;
end Bit_Toggle;
function Bit_Get(A : in T_Array; Bit_Address : Natural; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) return Bit is
return Bit_Get(A => A(A'First + Bit_Address / T'Size), Bit_Address => Bit_Address mod T'Size, Order => Order);
end Bit_Get;
procedure Bit_Clear(A : in out T_Array; Bit_Address : Natural; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) is
Bit_Clear(A => A(A'First + Bit_Address / T'Size), Bit_Address => Bit_Address mod T'Size, Order => Order);
end Bit_Clear;
procedure Bit_Set(A : in out T_Array; Bit_Address : Natural; Value : Bit := 1; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) is
Bit_Set(A => A(A'First + Bit_Address / T'Size), Bit_Address => Bit_Address mod T'Size, Value => Value, Order => Order);
end Bit_Set;
procedure Bit_Toggle(A : in out T_Array; Bit_Address : Natural; Order : in System.Bit_order := System.Default_Bit_Order) is
Bit_Set(A => A(A'First + Bit_Address / T'Size), Bit_Address => Bit_Address mod T'Size, Order => Order);
end Bit_Toggle;
-- swap two elements
procedure Swap(A, B : in out T) is
temp : T;
temp := A;
A := B;
b := temp;
end swap;
-- swap two Arrays
procedure Swap(A, B : in out T_Array) is
if A'Length /= B'Length then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
A := A xor B;
B := B xor A;
A := A xor B;
function To_Hex(A : T; Upper_Case : Boolean := false) return String is
Temp : u8_Array(1 .. T'Size / 8);
Store_be(A => Temp, Value => A);
return To_Hex(Temp, Upper_Case => Upper_Case);
end Crypto_Generic_Utils;